Lately, I've found myself trying to explain some of the things I struggle with (like being too exhausted to shower) to my friends. While they are very real struggles for all of us, I think sometimes it's nice to laugh a little at how different our lives are from others. It's also nice to have some spoonie camaraderie, so comment which ones you can relate to, and let's smile together.
1. When you're trying to find foods that won't make you sick.
I really don't think they do either. Because who knows if what was okay today will still be okay tomorrow.
2. When you're too exhausted to actually speak out loud, but people keep trying to make you talk.
Words will no longer come out of my mouth. You could try texting me instead.
3. When you run out of spoons, but you're not home.
I guess right here is where I'm staying.
4. When the painsomnia is just too much.
Seriously. I think the quiet makes the pain louder. Maybe the bricks would put me to sleep.
5. When you want to feel clean, but you can't find the spoons to shower.
Yes, I know showers are invigorating for you. Yes, they're still exhausting for me.
6. When even reading makes you feel awful.
Even books hate me now.
7. When you forget everything no matter how hard you try.
"I will remember. I will remember. I will rem...what?"
8. When going outside makes you sicker.
I can't tolerate the heat. I can't tolerate the cold. Even the air is too much today.
9. When everyone else is happy and celebrating, but you can't seem to get in the spirit.
Holidays and birthdays especially. They're hard... but that's okay. There are still reasons to smile, and we'll find them.
10. When you just want a friend to stick with you.
Just because we're sick doesn't mean we don't need friends. We just can't be friends exactly like other people can. We're really good listeners, though.
11. When your doctor suggests a new treatment that might help.
Please, please, please, please, please work.
12. When you leave the doctor... again.
Maybe these will be the ones to help.
13. When you attempt to speak up for yourself and no one understands.
But... never mind.
14. When someone thinks they know more than you do about your illness.
Thank you, but no.
15. But that moment when you do find someone who really understands and loves you for who you are.
It's the most amazing feeling.