9 Songs For Graduating Seniors | The Odyssey Online
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9 Songs For Graduating Seniors

Music speaks it better than any of us ever could.

9 Songs For Graduating Seniors
Today I Found Out

Thanks to the music streaming apps, Spotify and Apple Music, we have the world of music at our fingertips. Whatever you're feeling, you name it, there's a playlist for it. Studying for your finals? There's a playlist full of songs that serves as motivating brain food to push through those review sessions. Want to soak up the sun this summer? There's a playlist full of reggae, happy-go-lucky songs that will fit the mood. Need something to impress your friends on the aux? There's a playlist that'll do the job as you're preparing for a very "lit" evening. Music reflects our moods, our memories and our lives, so it's only appropriate that I show you the tracklist that will forever put you in your graduating feels or get you pumped for finally finishing these last four years depending on your attitude for the day.

1. "Graduation (Friends Forever)" - Vitamin C

Yes, this is the song that will really just make your heart sink as soon as you start playing it. The beginning tune just puts it in perspective for you; You're really graduating. For the past four years, you have been waiting for this moment and now it's finally here. As you put on your graduation cap and gown, it's time to say goodbye to this chapter in your life which means saying goodbye to the school that changed you, the professors that guided you and the friends that loved you.

2. "We're All In This Together" - High School Musical (Graduation Mix)

The past couple of years haven't been easy. You've had your fair share of procrastination, coffee overdoses, heartbreaks, fake friends, stress and exams. You've had your team of people who helped you through it all. Here's the shout out to those people. Without you, I wouldn't have been able to get here to this place. We helped each other get to that finish line, and there's no one I'd rather cross it with than you all.

3. "Time Of Our Lives" - Pitbull ft. NeYo

You did it. You're graduating. You deserve all the happiness that comes with this. You deserve the time of your life, so celebrate. Do what makes you happy because you worked for it.

4. "You're Gonna Miss This" - Trace Adkins

There were those long days that you would just take a deep breath and tell yourself, "It's almost over." You were so ready for all of this to end. But now that it's over, you can't help but admit that you truly are going to miss this. The past four years have changed you, and you're going to miss every part that helped you get to that point.

5. "Unwritten" - Natasha Bedingfield

As trite as the analogy of a book to a person's life may be, there really isn't a better way to put it. Now that you've graduated, you've closed that chapter of your life and will be getting ready to commence the new one. Something new is in this works, and whatever comes your way will be brand new, unknown and well, unwritten.

6. "Adventure Of A Lifetime" - Coldplay

There have been a lot of firsts for you in this experience. You've had to jump out of your comfort zone. You've probably gone through enough experiences that you have enough to tell during story time with your friends and future kids. If you haven't had the "adventure of a lifetime" these past four years, you didn't do it right.

7. "Champion" - Kanye West

I'll say it again, you graduated, you did it. You're a champion.

8. "Bitter Sweet Symphony" - The Verve

Should you be happy? Should you be sad? It's a time of conflicting emotions. It's bittersweet,

9. "My Wish" - Rascal Flatts

I think the lyrics say it all for this one.

"My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to, / Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small, / You never need to carry more than you can hold, / And while you're out there getting where you're getting to, / I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too."

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