I have only been working in clothing retail for about 3 months now, and even though I enjoy it, it definitely has its ups and downs.
The interesting thing is that all of the stories I've heard from people I know who work in retail, I now live it. So let's sit back and all relate together; here are 15 situations every retail employee has suffered through.
1. When customers try on the entire store and buy nothing.
It's okay, I get it. You probably changed your mind and didn't like anything or you were bored and just wanted to kill time. But you're just giving us extra work to do by putting away your clothes.
2. The return policy is 14/30 days, yet customers come back months later and still try to return items.
I'm sorry, but there's nothing I or the register system can do if you decide to wait months to return something you've never worn.
3. Finding makeup smudges all over the clothes.
There should be an unspoken rule that if you're going to try on clothes, especially WHITE items, be careful with the foundation because now we can't sell the items that are stained with makeup. Such a disappointment for the next customer.
4. When customers try to ask for discounts for unnecessary reasons.
No, there is no discount for buying the display shoe. It's just like every other shoe that was in the back. What makes you special for buying the last pair? Just consider yourself lucky.
5. Customers who try to put the discount on the highest priced item.
Sorry, but that's not how it works. Unfortunately, this isn't BK, you can't have it your way. Be grateful you were able to save a few bucks anyways.
6. Instead of getting ready to pay while waiting in line, those customers who decide to take all the time in the world digging through their purse at the register.
All I have to say is, really?
7. Telling a customer something but it's not what they want to hear, so they request a manager and they tell them the exact same thing you said.
8. Instead of giving you the clothes they tried on, customers would rather just bundle it up and toss it on top of a random clothing rack.
Why must you make our work harder?
9. Or they just leave them all over the fitting room floors.
Because as an adult, it must be hard to pick up your own mess.
10. Those children who run around and touch everything.
11. Even worse, the parents who let their children misbehave and do nothing.
I'm paid to help you find clothes, not to babysit.
12. Those customers who come in 10 minutes before close and take forever to shop.
I know we're technically still open, but it is late and I am tired. Have some courtesy, please.
13. Not being able to end your shift and leave because your co-worker is late to relieve you.
I am in pain of hunger and exhaustion and you're adding salt to the wound.
14. Agreeing to come in on your day off but actually getting there and regretting it.
Why can't I work from my bed?
15. Or better yet, when the weather is nice when you're working but muggy on your days off.
Thanks for playing with my emotions, mother nature.