All majors will have their own difficulties but science majors know the struggle all to well. From never having time do anything because of lab, studying instead of going out or constantly contemplating life and your major. Here is a list of 15 signs you are a science major.
1. When your Professor tells your final is going to be cumulative, you die a little inside.
2. You find yourself talking about gross things in public when you're studying, too late to realize its not a normal topic of conversation.
3. You have an incredibly intense frustration with classes that don't relate to your major.
4. And you have a different kind of intense frustration with the classes that do relate to your major.
5. All of your exams land on the same week, every single time, and it makes you want to crawl in a hole and cry.
6. You get annoyed when you hear non-science majors complaining about their classes.
7. You spend so much time worrying about your classes that you end up dreaming about them.
8. You often feel like you have no clue what your professor is talking about.
9. You think about switching your major after every exam.
10. "I can't. I have lab." is literally the story of your life.
11. When writing a lab report you eventually run out of words to type.
12. You secretly love the cheesy science jokes your professor always makes.
13. You have no social life.
14. You run for you life at mention of writing a 10 page paper.
15. But at the end of the day, you love science and wouldn't change it for anything.
You may hate it at times but science is your passion and probably leads to the career you will choose. Your friends say they couldn't do what you do, but we probably couldn't do what they do either. Hence the run for your life feeling at the thought of writing that 10 page paper.