Have you ever looked at yourself and was like wow, I'm pretty awesome! Narcissism and excessive self-love is a huge problem within us today. You may think you have confidence but there is a big difference between confidence and overconfidence.
1. When you believe you’re always right.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice to prove someone wrong or tell them off but when you have an invalid argument and keep saying you are correct it just makes you look bad.
2. When you constantly post about yourself on social media.
I’m sorry, but people can handle so much of your “amazing life." It kind of gets annoying.
3. Checking yourself out 24/7.
You may not realize you are doing this but I guarantee you, everyone else does.
4. Always talking about yourself.
Come on now, can someone else please get a word in.
5. Being loud and proud.
We need to repeat this a second time, there is a difference between being confident and cocky.
6. When you put people down.
Telling people they are not good enough to bring their self-esteem down so you can have an ego boost is not okay.
7. When you try to make themselves look good in any circumstance.
You try to perceive yourself as better than who you really are.
8. Appearance means everything.
Come on now, does it really matter how “hot” you are all the time?
9. No bad pictures on social media.
You can’t let anyone know you have bad and ugly days.
10. Excuses, excuses.
When you make excuses for everything. People will catch on.
11. When you are obsessed with power.
Being a leader is great and all but being a leader just to get people under your wing will get people to dislike you, for sure.
12. The blame game.
You don’t think you did anything wrong because you’re always right.
13. Selfie is life!
Enough said.
14. When you feel under appreciated by the people who love you most.
They have a reason for loving you. Appreciate that!
15. Instead of listening, you either interrupt or wait until it’s your turn to speak.
Not everyone wants to hear about you, please give someone else a chance to speak.
Although these 15 signs may sound a little harsh, narcissism is a huge problem today. I hope everyone has the courage to step out of this "disease" and realize you shouldn't be this kind of person. I know I have!