There are some common things that every dancer, and only dancers can understand. If you grew up dancing, or you were around it during your life, you'll understand our dancer struggles.
1. You always Grand Jete over puddles.
How else would you get over without stepping in the water?
2. You tap dance while sitting in class.
Always practicing that fancy footwork as you sit in math. The only math I need is 5,6,7,8!
3. Bobby pins show up in the weirdest places.
In your jacket pockets, in your bed, on the car floor, on the kitchen table, you name it: I've probably found a bobby pin or two there.
4. You dance down the grocery store aisles.
Hey, sometimes their music selections aren't bad! Also, it's a great way to practice traveling, especially if you have to do parades.
5. You stand in a ballet position during presentations.
They always say when you give presentations to stand presentable with a straight back, much like you do at the barre. Why not practice that first or fifth position and take your dancing confidence and use it in English class!
6. The kitchen is a great place for turning.
"Can you stop dancing in the kitchen, I'm trying to make dinner!" -Almost every dance parent ever
7. "Oh you dance? Can you like do a spin or something?"
Said every non-dancer ever.
8. "As long as I can put it in a bun."
Do whatever you want with my hair, but please just leave it long enough to make a nice little sock bun for competition season.
9. Pops and cracks aren't new to your ears.
Being a dancer, hearing and feeling your body pop and crack isn't anything new. Sometimes, it even feels good!
10. Every song you hear could be a dance song.
As a dancer, you're always on the look out for new songs to dance to, or you're even choreographing in your head as you listen to the radio.
11. You stretch quite often.
Being a dancer, you have to keep those muscles limber, especially in season. Watching TV, doing homework, laying in bed, in gym class, are all places you can stretch it out and work those muscles.
12. "I can't, I have dance!"
The number one most used phrase by almost any dancer. In this business, there's a lot of sacrifices you have to make, like missing those bonfires, school trips and hanging out with friends. When you nail that quad at nationals and take home a platinum, it makes it all worth it.
13. You point your toes all the time.
Whether it be on the actual dance floor, or falling backward off your bed at college, whenever your feet are in the air, those toes are pointed.
14. "Is it like 'Dance Moms'?"
No, competitions aren't always like what you see on Abby Lee Miller's reality show and thank you for being the 500th person to ask me that today.
15. "Dance is easy."
You're the first person to argue that this statement is absolutely false. There are so many things that observers and audience members just don't see. If you only knew how hard it is to get those foute and turns in second together. Yes, we make it look easy; that's our job.