I know I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m crazy about Christmas. It’s the way I was raised, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I know I’m not alone, so here are 15 signs that you too, are crazy about Christmas.
1.You Listen To Christmas Music All Year-Round
You need Christmas carols in your life 24/7. Normal people can complain all they want. But we can’t hear you over the blaring speakers.
2. You Have A Christmas Countdown
3.You Spend Hours and Hours Decorating Your House
You’re totally guilty of decorating super early. Before you know it the Christmas tree will be up and decorated. It's not long until the house looks like a winter wonderland.
4.You Buy All The Christmas Scented Candles
You're basically a collector and it's worth it. They smell so good and put you in the Christmas spirit.
5. You Take Advantage Of Any Opportunity To Wear Something Christmas Themed
Festive wear is your speciality. From Christmas
sweaters, socks, and accessories, you rock it all. People may stare but that’s
because their insanely jealous of your fashion sense.
6. You Stock Up on Christmas Snacks
Hot chocolate, marshmallows, and shortbread cookie overload. There’s a reason everyone’s New Year Resolution is to eat healthier.
7. You Can List An Endless Amount Of Christmas Movies
You’re still waiting for a Christmas movie category on Jeopardy but you could probably direct this one yourself. Move over Mr. Trebek!
8. You Bake Dozens Of Cookies
Homemade is the way to go. You spend weekends in your kitchen baking your favorite cookies; they go well with movie marathons.
9.You Quote All The Lines From Your Favorite Christmas Movies
You love all Christmas movies, so it’s no surprise you can recite the lines to perfection.