Since you're now in college, you probably left your string instrument at your parents' house. Every once in a while you remember the good times you had in orchestra when you were in high school and you wish you could go back just for your orchestra friends. But, no matter what, orchestra will always have a special place in your heart.
Here are 15 signs that you were in orchestra that you will defiantly relate to:
1. You know Pachelbel's Canon like the back of your hand.
Seriously, it was one of the first songs you learned and you could never escape it.
2. Your non-musician college friends think you're the bomb because you can play an instrument.
3. It still annoys you when people don't know the difference between a violin and viola.
Trust me, there is a huge difference.
4. You can't listen to classical music while studying because you will start humming along.
Or you pretend you're playing an instrument.
5. You never get tired of music puns.
They're pretty funny although most people disagree.
6. You still have amazing tuning skills.
7. ... and you use those skills to judge any song you hear.
8. When any pop song with an orchestra comes on, you try and guess what instrument has the solo.
9. No one will ever know the struggle of others touching the bow hair.
No matter how many times you tell them to back off, they don't.
10. Every time you see a long black dress or tux it brings back flashbacks
I vowed to never wear a long black dress again.
11. Randomly seeing those black orchestra chairs reminds you of how uncomfortable they were.
And how you had to sit on the edge.
12. When you tell someone that you play a string instrument and they ask "oh so you were in band?"
ummmm... excuse me?
13. When you pull out your old music sheets, you feel like a bad ass because you're still able to read them!
But don't ask me what the name of the notes are because they're a little fuzzy.
14. You're glad you're able to have long fingernails again, but it seems odd.
15. But no matter what, you will always be an orch dork!