15 Signs You Went To Utah State University
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15 Signs You Went To Utah State University

A list of reasons that Aggies are some of the best students to ever go to college.

15 Signs You Went To Utah State University
Utah State University

Go Aggies Go Aggies Hey Hey Hey! Although there are plenty of high end universities across the world, there is something about the small town of Logan in northern Utah that you can't find anywhere else. Maybe it's the freezing cold winters with some of the worst air quality in America, or maybe it's Bear Lake’s famous raspberry shakes just about 45 minutes away. Regardless, Utah State Aggies are some of the proudest, loudest and craziest students to ever attend college. Here are 15 signs you might have attended as one of those lucky students.

1. On full moons, the opposite gender will talk to you more.

True Aggie Night is one of Utah State's most beloved traditions. On full moons, the students line up pair by pair and take turns kissing on top of a blue A. Walking to class about once a month you will definitely see a group of guys talking to every girl they come within 5-feet of, trying to find the perfect lady to smack with in front of hundreds of students.

2. Cleaning the sink sounds like a fun activity.

Having an Angie's bumper sticker is one of the highest honors you can have as a USU student. The local restaurant has a challenge called cleaning the sink, where they bring out a literal sink, filled with ice cream, toppings and bananas, and you - with a few friends - have to eat the whole thing. My roommates and I kept our bumper sticker hanging proudly on our living room wall.

3. You have a strange attraction to sagebrush.

I am a student at USU, and I have never actually seen sagebrush on campus at all. So, I'm not sure why we sing about it in our spirit song, but regardless I love the spot where the sagebrush grows.

4. You like blue A’s better than white ones.

Almost anywhere in Logan, if you look up you can see a giant A on top of Old Main at USU. The key is if the A is glowing blue, whatever athletic team competed that day, won. If it's white, well you just don't talk about it! Or there weren't any events, which was probably the case anyway.

5. Dance parties in the library are a normal thing.

Right before finals week all students are encouraged to come to the library and dance away all of their stress. Sure, the students all bring their own earphones, and so no actual music is played out loud, but after the dancing everyone stands and howls for a solid minute, stopping all studying from really taking place. This is a tradition that has gone on for years, but no one can explain it.

6. You are part of a Facebook page called incoming class of 20-- and wish you weren't, but you also don't do anything about it.

Really, no one wants to see dozens of students selling used textbooks and expensive housing contracts on their Facebook wall. And really, if you are selling such things, not very many people check the Facebook page anyway.

7. You have ridden the bus more than ever.

Way to go Logan for being one of the only cities to have a free bus system!

8. You have been so close to somebody in a bus that you can tell what they have in their backpack.

Like I said, Logan has freezing winters, and no one wants to walk to their 7:30 a.m. class in the cold. People get so close that the school actually gets people proposing in buses because it's where they met. So maybe it's not so bad.

9.You went to Taste of Logan hungry and left...hungry?

The Taste of Logan sounds like the best thing ever. Walking down Main Street with hundreds of students trying the local restaurants' food and getting coupons. However, all they feed you is little tastes of ice cream and a few cookies or apples. They also take you into engagement ring or toy stores to remind you that you are no longer a kid, and you are in college.

10. You wonder why the library has only one door.

I am tired of walking around the entire building to enter the library and then around again when I'm leaving. I also probably spent way too much money at the cafe next to the door. The sandwiches smell too good and make a great study snack.

11. You have gone to a club/organization's activity at First Dam.

I love the dozens of birds, ducks and geese that live at First Dam. I probably went about 10 times to different activities and was always disappointed when I didn't see a proposal every time.

12. You feel stressed during human vs zombies even though you aren't playing

Once a semester the students divide into humans and zombies, and mark themselves with bandanas. The rules are simple: If you are a human, you put a bandana around your arm and the zombies put them around their head. The humans have socks that you can hit a zombie with to stun them for 10 seconds. If a zombie tags you before you get to hit them with the sock, you move your bandana to your head. Luckily you can only run outside, and so you don't have to keep your eye out for a zombie when you cut through buildings walking to class.

13. You wanted to rent a puppy only to realize you probably should not spend your money, and pets aren't allowed in dorms.

Rent a puppy is one of those genius ideas where the company has three to four puppies that you can rent per hour. If you fall in love, and you probably will, you can adopt the cute little thing, and give them a good home. You can even have a puppy party where you get all the puppies for a few hours for only about $60.

14. You become upset when the Mongolian line at the Aggie Marketplace isn't open

Hands down some of the best spring rolls I have ever had. I don't want Mongolian all the time, but I like having the option.

15. You avoid eye contact walking to class during elections week

You will be asked to vote about 20 times as you walk to class, and my advice? Just vote. Get involved and elect the best options! That way when they ask, you can say you already voted. It's really a win-win situation.

USU will always have a special place in every Aggie's heart. I will cherish all of the flaws, parties, classes and memories that come with being an Aggie. I dare you to find a true-blooded Aggie from Utah who doesn't love the spot where the sagebrush grows!

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