Many writers have developed "habits" over the years and I have compiled a list of some of those "habits". As a writer myself, I have done all of these at some point in my life.
1. You have master the art that is procrastination.
I wonder how long it will take me to write this 15-paged paper with in-text citations, a cover page, and bibliography when it's due at midnight and it's 10 pm.
2. A blank document/paper is your worst enemy.
Yeah, yeah, totally fine. Nothing to see here.
3. You use proper grammar in any form of communication.
Thus the usage of the iconic Friends gif.
4. You know that there are more than 10 synonyms for "blue".
Let's see, there's sky blue, azure, cyan, navy, indigo, baby blue, Prussian blue, steel blue...
5. You become so emotionally attached to your characters that you cry every time something bad happens to them.
Friend: (notices me crying) Hey, hey, what's wrong? Did something happen?
Me: I just wrote my character being stabbed and I think I felt it too...
Friend: (deadpans) You need help.
6. Coffee is your best friend.
Give me the coffee and no one will get hurt.
7. Deadlines are a nightmare.
Why must you exist? Are you just here to taunt me and my lack of motivation?
8. You wear glasses (or secretly wish you did).
Insert me grumbling and glaring at people who look bloody fantastic in their stupid glasses.
9. Like artists, you make faces at your computer screen when writing out a scene.
I like to call this one the "no sleep since 3 am" face.
10. You quote various authors, artists, movies, music, etc.
I think this gif explains it all.
11. You hate almost everyone yet find them irritatingly fascinating.
God, I hate you so much but you are so... amazing. Why can't you just be annoying and stupid?
12. You have to tilt your head in confusion when reading something you wrote 5-10 years ago.
Dear Lord, what is this monstrosity?
13. You say a line in a conversation and realize that it would fit perfectly with your story.
I am so going to use that for my novel.
14. You become so heavily invested in your novel and characters that you have lost control of your life.
Mom: (opens door) Honey, are you okay?
Me: (sobbing)
Mom: I'll come back later.
15. You lie awake in bed and can't sleep because the ideas in your head won't leave you alone.
Sleep is for the weak. I can sleep when I'm dead.
All gifs were from