Freshman year was a breeze, but somehow in just a short year, things have spiraled out of control. You've gotten to the point in the semester where you just can't even. You've finally come to realize that college only gets harder and you're kind of screwed. Here are the top 15 signs you have hit your own sophomore slump.
1. You spend 97% of your free time in the library.
Can't waste time walking back to your dorm to study.
2. But there always seems to be more work.
Will it ever end? Probably not.
3. You begin to watch your GPA jump off the high dive.
Which is more beneficial- retaking some classes from freshman year to boost my GPA or registering for that social media class because it sounds really fun?
4. You feel like you have your life together if your food points are on budget.
At least in all this chaos, food is one thing you should never have to worry about.
5. But chances are you're at least 100 points behind.
Or worse....
6. You frequent the gym much less often than you did in September.
I'm proud of myself if I make it there more than once in a week.
7. You're starting to realize how broke you really are.
Why am I getting brunch downtown when I have 17 cents in my bank account...?
8. Going out every weekend is even getting old.
I'd rather be wrapped up in my comforter watching Netflix.....usually.
9. You contemplate taking a year off every other day.
"At what other point in my life will I be able to just drop everything and travel?"
10. But then you would have to graduate later than all of your friends.
No thank you.
11. Your coffee intake is gradually rising.
As if seven cups per day wasn't already enough.
12. Causing the sudden drop in food points.
The marketplace may have one dollar coffee on Wednesdays, but I'm still going to Henderson's.
13. ...and sleep.
3 A.M. is an acceptable bedtime, right?
14. Your idea of exercise is running away from all of your problems.
If I don't acknowledge them, they don't exist... right?
15. You're starting to realize your idea of post-grad life is extremely unrealistic.
You're telling me I won't make six digits right out of college? Why am I even here then?