15 Signs You Have Post-Festival Blues | The Odyssey Online
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15 Signs You Have Post-Festival Blues

You have a case of the festival blues, that only more music festivals can truly cure.

15 Signs You Have Post-Festival Blues

Ah, music festival season...

The excitement of getting your wristband in the mail, packing your favorite festival clothes, planning out your music schedule and just being surrounded by good vibes.

But, before you know it, in a blink of an eye, it's all over...and the post festival sadness kicks in.

Don't worry we've all been there.

Here are 20 signs that you indeed have a case of the festival blues:

1. You Are Still Wearing Your Wristband

And you certainly don't plan on taking it off any time soon. No matter how much it itches, how tight it is, how uncomfortable it is, how annoying the strings are, you just can't imagine taking scissors to it just yet (or trying to be crafty and take it off without cutting it).

2. You Have a Countdown Until Next Year

Literally the day after you find yourself saying, "only 364 days until next year!" Yes, we've all been there. So mark your calendars, and tell your boss you'll need this time off again next year because the countdown is on.

3. You Continue To Relive The Moments

Oh, yes, you find yourself laying in bed re-watching those Snapchat videos, "Instagraming" every festival photo, smiling over priceless captured memories and just reminiscing about being an arm distance away from your favorite bands of all time.

4. Your Car Is Filthy, And Your Parking Pass Is Still On It

The dust, the mud, the sand...whatever it may be, it is still all over your festival vehicle. And that camping car pass sticker still sits in your window because you're still in denial that it's over. And that's okay man. Your friends might not get it, but we truly do.

5. You're Always Listening To The Festival Playlist

That playlist that gives you such a bittersweet feeling inside. The feeling of loving music and yet the sadness of missing live music. It's just not the same listening to it through your headphones, right?

6. You Discovered A New Artist, And Now You Just Can't Stop Listening To Them

Ah, yes, remember that Thursday afternoon when you were just laying in the grass, and all of a sudden you sprung up and shouted, "What band is that?!" Those are the best moments. That moment where you have a complete revelation discovering a brand new artist, and now you can't wait to listen to all of their albums until the end of time.

7. You Are Proud of Your Wristband Tan Lines

Whether you took your wristband(s) off or not, you are proud of that pasty white skin you reveal underneath. It represents those four blistering hot summer days you sweated through in order to see your favorite bands.

8. People Are Getting Sick of All of Your Sentences Starting With...

We get it, you went to a music festival. But, how can people blame you? It was only the greatest experience of your entire life. Obviously the only way to cope with the post festival depression is to talk about it even more...even if your friends have no idea what you are talking about. "You just had to be there."

9. You Actually Miss Festival Food

I mean come on, what other place will you order a $7 piece of pizza from and be completely okay with it? (God bless Spicy Pie). There is just something about festival food that makes us all so happy, even if we're spending $15 on a complete meal. It's worth it.

10. You Realize You Actually Have To Shower Now

Yeah...you pretty much don't have an excuse not to shower anymore, so don't try to go to work and say, "I didn't shower today, because the sign said they were $15." Yeah, not going to cut it. And honestly it is almost bittersweet watching your absolutely disgusting self become clean after 4 days of sweating in what feels like a 100 degree tent.

11. You Still Have Sand/Dirt/Mud In Your Shoes

Yes, you may have ruined your favorite pair of sandals, and you might still have nasty "festi-feet" covered in dirt and God knows what else, but think of it as bringing a piece of the festival back with you, right?

12. You Pack Up Your Festival Clothes Until Next Year

I mean, I give you major props if you find more places to wear butterfly wings, a bedazzled bra or crocheted crop top. But, unfortunately, most of the clothes we see are never to be seen in public ever again, until the next music festival.

13. You Wear Your "Festival Merch" Every Day Possible

You know you have a problem when your friends start telling you, "Man, you have worn your _____ lineup shirt for the past week, it's probably time to change." Just trying to cope with what is now lost? Don't worry, we understand.

14. You Find Yourself Squatting Over Your Own Toilet

You became such a pro at squatting and holding your breath that you feel like it is necessary now everywhere you go...even if it is in your own bathroom...

15. You Will Spend The Next 364 Days Convincing Your Friends

Through the sweat, dirt and post-festival tears you will find yourself waiting for next year and try to convince all of your friends along the way.

So don't worry, we are all feeling the same way, but, before you know it you will be back sharing good vibes for another year of festivals.

But for now, let's keep the countdown going. Here's to the post festival blues...

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