Put your casseroles and snow shovels away; we need to determine if you are from the Midwest! Below is a list of 15 tell-tale signs you were lucky enough to hail from Middle-America. Enjoy.
1. Your high school has a “bring-your-tractor-to-school" day and it is taken very seriously.
2. Friday night football games are everything. Small town rivals aren't anything to mess with.
3. Snow days are the best!
4. You've attended a corn festival and it wasn't weird. Honestly, where else would you be?
5. You know a mom with this haircut...
6. And she drives this car.
7. You've said this more than once, "Didn't we have a tornado drill last week?" Let's be honest, you would do anything to get a 10 minute break from geometry.
8. The county fair is the talk of the town. Scarfing down funnel cakes, riding scary carnival rides and watching the demo derby was the perfect way to wind down the last couple days of summer.
9. You've worn a Halloween costume and snow pants at the same time. Why do we trick-or-treat again?
10. Wait, fall is so pretty!
11. You've seen tractors driving on the highway. Annoying? Yes. Unusual? No.
12. You wave at almost every person you pass while driving. Odds are, you probably know them and might as well wave regardless.
13. The sunsets are still your favorite part of everyday. Nothing beats a Midwest sunset.
14. Your childhood summers were spent catching fireflies and lady bugs. The scent of dead lady bugs still haunts you today.
15. What's better than a bonfire on a Friday night with your best friends? Oh, that's right, nothing.
If any of these have resonated with you, you might be from the Midwest! Lucky you! "The Mid" may have a bad reputation for an inordinate amount of soccer moms and terribly cold winters, but we all know there is truly not a better place to grow up.