Chandler Bing, also known as Chanandler Bong, makes up 1/6 of one of the most iconic friend groups in television history (can we say #SQUADGOALS?). While at times Chandler's life might seem like a series of unfortunate events or simply relatable, I've come to realize that pretty much every friend group possesses those Bing-like qualities. As someone who definitely identifies as Chandler Bing, I have the similarities down pat. Just in case you haven't seen the warning signs, here are the 15 traits that a true Chandler would have.
1. You start every conversation with a sarcastic comment.
What better way to start the day or even a conversation than with a joke?
2. OR you're just sarcastic all of the time.
Or you're just sarcastic all of the time ...
3. You make weird facial expressions or just dance awkwardly, like, all of the time.
4. You're always a good time.
I mean, who doesn't LOVE to hang out with you? You come up with such creative ideas!
5. You KNOW how to relax.
Whether it's bubble baths, a barcalounger or not moving on Sundays, you have mastered "me time."
6. No one knows what you do for a living.
It could be your job, major or simply hobby; what you do will always be a mystery to those around you.
7. You're inclusive.
True friends never leave anyone out ... unless its Ross. Bye, Ross.
8. You aren't afraid to call out stupidity.
It's a service, really.
9. You HATE working out.
But I mean, who does?
10. You own up to your mistakes.
You're a creature of habit ... habits you know you should break.
11. You are ever the optimist.
Who are you kidding? You are anything but optimistic.
12. You might NOT give the BEST advice ...
13. But deep down you have a heart of gold.
It's the thought that counts.
14. Okay, you're love life might be DOA ...
But I mean whose love life isn't? It's not like there are a bunch of Monica's lying around.
15. But you are a great friend!
No one can replace you!