People are constantly saying that they are not ready for adulthood, but here we are, in our 20s, attempting to do it. Soon enough, you realize you may have possibly gotten the hang of it, and then the more you think about it, you realize you are becoming a real adult.
1. You pay your own bills:
No more asking Mom and Dad for some help every month, you are independent.
2. You get excited to go grocery shopping:
Your grocery trip doesn’t just consist of buying junk food. You buy fruit, vegetables and things to make a whole meal out of!
3. You don’t drink to get drunk:
After a long day at work, you pour yourself a glass of wine or open up a beer just to unwind. Who would have thought you could drink without partying?!
4. You get invited to weddings:
The time has come that everyone you know is getting married, and you are even in some of them.
5. You have your own health and auto insurance:
And you know what the coverage means!
6. You are a member of your community's Facebook page:
You find yourself talking about the things you’ve read on the page, “Did you see what Sharon posted? That tree has been down in front of her street all morning!”
7. You pay your utility bill:
And with that, you make sure to take quick showers, turn the lights off in a room you’re not using and wait till the last possible moment to turn the AC or heat on.
8. You want to buy a dog or a cat but…
You know you can’t financially support one, and you’re responsible enough to make that decision.
9. You get a sense of peace from dusting and vacuuming:
It just feels so good to see your place clean, it gives you a sense of pride!
10. You care about local politics and where your tax dollars are going:
And when you see local projects getting started or completed, you feel very proud of your little community!
11. You almost always ask for gift cards:
To be honest, I would much rather choose my own gift, and honestly I’m still pretty freakin’ poor.
12. You go to the hardware store:
You know what you need to buy, and you do repairs around the house, not just calling a family member or repair man for help.
13. You are on a budget:
Not just an imaginary budget, no, no. You have a whole Excel spreadsheet dedicated to this budget that you follow.
14. Your Facebook is either filled with politics or baby announcements:
And honestly, I’m not sure which one is worse.
15. People tell you that you have your life together:
Deep down inside, I think that I’m just winging this “adulthood” thing, but who knows, maybe the time really is here?