15 Signs That Your Summer Job Is Taking Over Your Life | The Odyssey Online
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15 Signs That Your Summer Job Is Taking Over Your Life

Who are you kidding, your summer job is your life.

15 Signs That Your Summer Job Is Taking Over Your Life

1. You don't believe in days off.

Working seven days a week is a must. Who needs free time to spend with family and friends or relax on the beach? You also do not believe in the word vacation, it's just a myth.

2. You are at work more than you are at your own home.

It has gotten to the point that friends look for you at work if they want to see you. They also no longer bother calling or texting your cell phone because obviously it is easier to get a hold of you on the work phone.

3. You hang out with your coworkers more than your friends.

Some of your friends may have even forgotten that you exist. They haven't seen you in weeks and hope that you will come out for a night is fading. You are even starting to genuinely like your coworkers and spend time with them...you even have inside jokes with them.

4. When you finally see your friends it is equivalent to a 25th year high school reunion.

It is like a scene from a romance novel where the girl leaps into her lover's arms. When you finally see your friends, some of them may look a little different; dyed hair, weight gain, married with children...it has been a while since you've had a day off...

5. You talk about your job even when you are not at work.

Work is always on the brain and even though you are off the clock your mind is always on the clock and most of your conversations end in discussing your job. Most people have no idea or interest in what you are talking about. Let's face it, your job consumes every fiber of your being.

6. You hang out at your place of work when you are off the clock.

For some reason they just can't get rid of you. At this point, you probably have to be back at work in less than twelve hours so why bother leaving? Even though you are losing all mental stability, you choose to spend your free time at work.

7. You have dated multiple people from your job.

No one told you? DO NOT date coworkers!! This would def be on the list of top five stupidest things to do, but it is also a sign that your summer job is taking over your life. You have lost all contact with the outside world so it has come to dating people from your place of work. Good job!

8. You've willingly given up other activities.

Who needs the gym or the beach or the mall? None of that is important as long as you have your job to keep you occupied. Forget about parities or time with family and friends, that doesn't exist to you anymore. All the fun is sucked out of your life.

9. You NEVER leave early.

Leaving on time is even a very very very rare occurrence and the idea of you leaving early is equated to the idea of big foot. Its funny to think that you may leave early. You actually can't leave your job unless you have already worked at least an hour overtime, duh.

10. You are not up to date on current events.

I'm not just talking about missing out on gossip in your friend group...you have completely lost touch with society, celebrity news, political, and world events. You don't even have enough time to turn on the news or scroll through the twitter sphere for minimal updates.

11. You have not one, but two summer jobs.

You have one for during the day and one just to torture yourself at night and on weekends.This is just to ensure that you have absolutely no contact with the outside world or social life.

12. You threaten to quit everyday..

But we all know you never will. In a sick twisted way you live for and love your summer jobs and would be lost and bored without them.

13. You are always tired.

You work way too many hours. You are always ready to fall a sleep and down for a nap 24/7. Remember all those naps you'd stay awake for in kindergarten? I bet you wish you could take them now.

14. Payday is your favorite day.

The only thing that makes working so many hours worth it is your paycheck at the end of the week. But wait, where are you going to spend your money? You can't go shopping or do fun activities with friends because you have no days off.

15. Your summer job turned into an all year job.

Why just keep it as a summer job? You obviously love working there and couldn't imagine a whole year without it. Congratulations, your summer job has become your regular job and has officially taken over your life.

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