1. You start to have anxiety when you are apart for too long.
Yes, it sounds lame but trust me it will happen. After spending all day with them once they are gone you don't know what to do and you feel like something is missing.
2. People start to confuse you for each other.
Ever have your parents get your name confused with a siblings? It's the same exact thing expect people don't notice after while. And to be honest you don't really care that they are screwing up your names.
3. You match on accident ALL THE TIME.
To be honest matching with a friend in middle school may have been cute but when you're in college and you wear the same color as your best friend out two weekends in a row, it's kinda nuts. Or when you walk to your 8:30, get to class and realize you're wearing the same color. Maybe it's fate I don't really know.
4. Almost every time you try to say something, you say the same exact thing.
So like in Hannah Montana when the two bratty girls said the same thing and did their little oo sss or whatever the junk it was. You do the same thing with your bff but you say the same thing and just stare at each other, or you just keep talking like nothing ever happened.
5. You say the weirdest things to each other and people who hear it probably think you're on drugs.
6. You cant make any decision without their input.
It's annoying as heck but you honestly can't do anything without them.
7. You somehow always manage to end up in the same exact places.
For example: every weekend you come home and find the other one in the washing machines which is exactly where you were headed....don't ask.
8. You both share a strange passion for chips and salsa.
9. You live a couple of doors down from each other but still resort to screaming their name out your door instead of texting them or getting up to go get them.
10. You go out to the same party together, you don't see each other for five min and when you see them again you act like you haven't seen them in years.
11. You shower across from each other just so you can peek your head out to have a conversation across the stalls.
12. When you lose each other in the store and go into panic mode like when you couldn't find your mom in the store when you were little.
13. They are always in your bed, with or without you, they are there.
14. On the rare occasion you aren't together, people ask, "Where is ____?" and you silently have a heart attack because you don't know.
15. They are always there for you.
For all the people out there that thought this was about a relationship.... HA, JOKES ON YOU. It was about the person that I get to call a sister, a friend, and the nut job that is just as odd as I am. The person that can never stay mad at me and I can never be mad at. The person that knows the weirdest things about me. The person that knows about al my heartbreaks and I know all of hers. The person that I panic not seeing over school breaks, and always want to know where they are because I miss them. Don't you think for a second that I'm too attached, I'm just crazy obsessed with the person that is literally me in another body. When you find that person you'll know, and they will drive you freaking insane. But who gives a shit? Cause I don't!