Science majors are their own breed of college student. We work hard, sometimes for little result, but in the end with struggle together. We love what we do, but sometimes we wish that we didn't spend hours in labs, on prelabs or lab reports, or even studying all the time while everyone else has fun. In the end, we're all in this together and wouldn't have it any other way.
1. You actually LOL when you read a punny science joke.
2. You have thousands of fun facts that only your science major friends will ever think are fun.
3. You've gone through the hell that is organic chemistry and lived to tell the tale.
4. Labs are the best part of your week, but somehow also your worst.
5. Writing an essay for a non-science class takes 10 years but whipping out a lab report only takes two hours.
6. You've spent AT LEAST one weekend cramming for that exam while all your humanity major friends are out partying.
7. You thank God every day for Kahn Academy coming your rescue before every test.
8. Somehow you manage to be the laziest and most hardworking person you know.
9. You LIVE for that 10 point curve at the end of the semester.
10. You're molecular model kit quickly became your best friend.
11 You've never had a Friday without classes and you probably never will.
12.You secretly have a favorite element on the periodic table... You know you do.
13. You don't hesitate for a second to call out a TV show on its small scientific inaccuracies.
14. When asked to explain the structure of the cell, you always start with the mitochondria.
15. You love what you do and you wouldn't change a thing.
Even though you spend less time socializing than you do studying or doing work, you know you love it and you wouldn't want to do anything else with your life.