Roommates can often be a hit or miss. However, when there is a bond between you and that person, it all makes sense and as a result, it is hard not to get super close to them. If any (or all) of these signs relate to your roommate situation, then you probably have a great relationship with him/her.
1. You share everything
Food? Clothes? Space? Nail polish? If it's mine, it's yours! (Please just ask and return it if possible)
2. You get sad when one of you leaves
Yes, even only if it's for a few hours. A long hug is definitely needed, following by screaming, "I'll miss you!"
3. Privacy is not a concern
They seem to know literally everything about you even if you don't want them to.
4. Sometimes you need time just with them
Although you already live together, sometimes it's fun to just spend time with your roommate whether that be eating food, talking, or watching TV.
5. People ask you where they are when you aren't together
It's always such a shocker when there's separation!
6. You are always honest with each other
Yeah, the truth hurts but you let each other know when you aren't looking your best or when you need to stick up for yourself in a situation.
7. You have locked each other out of the room and laughed about it
Sometimes we forget, but it's not even a big deal because sometimes it's on purpose.
8. Sometimes you both just have to dance it out
Meredith and Christina from Grey's Anatomy know this better than anyone, and hey, it's a judgement free zone.
9. The fights you have seem irrelevant later
Sure, you fight occasionally but it's nothing that can't be fixed with chocolate and hugs.
10. Most of the texts you send them are asking them where they are
Separation anxiety much? Just wondering when they will be home!
11. You have some similar social groups
Knowing a lot of the same people can be fun because then you can all hang out together!
12. You have seen all sides of each other
Laughing? Crying? Emotionless? Check, check, and check. No emotion can pose as a surprise.
13. You try to remember what your life was like before them
And it's hard to remember...or maybe you just don't want to.
14. A lot of your sentences start with "Remember when?"
You can't believe all of the memories you have made together!
15. You realize that they are your soulmate
You connect with them on another level. They are special and you cherish the bond that you have formed with them!