The college experience comes with several things such as new experiences, hard classes, life decisions, and roommates. Sharing your new life with someone seems intimidating, and quite frankly is something we all get nervous about. The key to conquering this step is allowing yourself to be open to this new person -- I promise it is worth it. f
It is not always going to be an easy task, and you may have to go through the bad, worst, and even horrible before you find the perfect one. Lucky for me, I found the perfect roommate, so here are some signs that you too have found your match.
1. There is no need for pants, ever. In fact, you have a motto that "no pants are the best pants."
This is the person you feel most comfortable in front of, the one person who you know will never judge you for the way you look or for your lack of effort. Boundaries do not exist, and before you know what is going on, you have seen more than you ever wanted, but that is totally OK -- even normal.
2. This is the one person who you can always count on to screenshot your ugly snapchats and be totally forgiving because you know an even uglier snap is headed your way.
No filter needed. And the more chins you can make, the better quality.
3. You have someone to excitedly greet you every time you come home from class.
Being apart becomes a challenge and memorizing each other's schedule becomes a necessity. Constant "where you at" texts are a daily occurrence. People begin to think of you as one person and seeing you apart is extremely rare, they may even question where the other is because it is that noticeable.
4. Sleep becomes rare, not because you are studying but because you can't stop talking or are too busy having Disney song marathons.
Neither of you can actually sing, but a daily duet is never something you would pass up. They are the Troy to your Gabriella.
5. You have someone to always take care of you. After all, they signed up to basically deal with you.
Whether you feel under the weather or that Sunday morning headache is simply unbearable you are not alone. They might hate you because it is not the first time, but ultimately their love for you will shine through. Shout-out to all the roommates who have been here way too many times.
6. Going out is always an adventure, to say the least.
You will always have a dance partner. You will always have someone to protect you from the creeps. You have someone on outfit patrol to tell you if you still look put together. No matter where you go, you go together ... and, man, do you make memories.
7. Your closet automatically doubles.
What's theirs is yours, and vice versa. You do double takes of each other and realize you're wearing one another's clothes. But, hey, double the closet, double the options – no one ever loses in this situation.
8. You have an at-home life guidance counselor.
You will never have to make a life decision alone. Their honesty may be brutal, but you will forever be grateful for all the times they tell you, "That is a terrible idea."
9. More importantly, they become your mother.
They are going to yell at you when you screw up, and tell you how many times they told you not to do that. They are going to yell at you for your trash laying around. If you come home too late, just know they will be there waiting on you.
10. They can tell if something is wrong by the way you walk into the room.
If a boy breaks your heart, nothing will stop them from breaking his face. And then ordering takeout and cuddling with you while watching every Nicholas Sparks movie ever until you are both crying so hard you just lie there and eat everything in sight.
11. They have seen your ugly cry too many times, and they still love you.
If you are like me, you may have the worst ugly cry, snot and all. But luckily your roomie comes to the rescue just once more. They show you that these little imperfections mean nothing in the grand scheme of things and tell you just how beautiful you are while wiping your tears.
12. You will not gain the freshman 15 alone.
Food is one of the things that brings you two together. Honestly, you probably show each other food videos more than anything. Needless to say, you always go to get food together. And then look at each other and laugh because you definitely agreed to start working out but it never happened. But who doesn't love cookies?!
13. Lying in bed and stalking people on social media is not considered creepy – in fact, it is a shared hobby.
You are both able to get at least 13 people deep into stalking off the explore page on Instagram, and it is nothing to be ashamed of. Half the time you talk about people, it is solely based off the stalking you have done, not because you really know these people.
14. You look back on your freshman year and realize the moments and memories wouldn't be nearly the same without this person.
They were the one person who was always there. Through good, bad, and worse, they saw it all. And still chose your friendship.
15. Lastly, you know you have found the perfect roommate when home becomes wherever your roommate is.
Going home for breaks is nice, but part of you is counting down the seconds until you are reunited with your person. You know you have found the perfect roommate when one day without them is one day too long. When you have to text them about the most stupid, irrelevant moments because they are the only ones who will understand. When you walk home from class a little faster just to be reunited with them. You know you have the perfect roommate when they are no longer just the person you live with, but your other half. Freshman year brought me stress, and it brought me endless memories, but most importantly I found my best friend in the bed 5 feet away.
"We're sisters, you're my family. What is you, is me. There's nothing that you could ever say to make me let go."
Your forever grateful roomie, best friend, and sister