Is your favorite moment of the day when the doorbell rings and you open it to see the pizza delivery boy? Do you sit at your desk all day and wonder if your mom will order pizza for dinner? Are you 18 and in need of tattoo inspiration? Then it's time you get a tattoo, but not just any tattoo. No, you need a pizza tattoo. Think you don't? Well, here is a complete list of times when you need a pizza tattoo.
1. When you can only trust pizza
Pizza will never lie to you. Pizza will never abandon you.
2. When pizza is happiness
If the only time you feel true bliss is when the delivery guy brings your pizza, you need to get this tattooed on your body ASAP.
3. When you can't decide between a pizza tattoo or a shark tattoo
Ya know that moment when you're on a boat eating some pizza and a shark just jumps out of the water to steal said pizza? Yeah, me neither.
4. When you're dog steals your pizza
If your dog is like mine and sits at your feet when you eat to beg for pizza, then this pug is perfect for you.
5. When your cat steals your pizza
Sometimes you just gotta let the cat win.
6. When you say "rad" a lot
If you're a totally rad person then you understand this work of art.
7. When you eat too much pizza and enter into a food coma
We've all been there - don't deny it.
8. When the love of your life is pizza
Look ladies, I don't know why y'all stay crying over boys when pizza is the one true love you really need.
9. When you eat pizza with rats
This may be the only acceptable Ninja Turtles tattoo I've ever seen.
10. When you're from Texas...and love pizza
Everything's bigger in Texas, so the pizza must be too, right?
11. When you're a sharer
A pizza sharer: a rare form of person that has pizza and then offers it to others with total disregard for their own hunger.
12. When you get dumped but pizza will never leave you
You may be single, but hey, at least you'll always have pizza to love you.
13. When you fully support pineapple on pizza
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14. When you understand how underappreciated margarita pizza is
Margarita pizza is a gift from God himself. This is the best pizza to ever be invented and I would tattoo this on my arm in a heartbeat (except I'm broke).
15. When you enjoy a good pizza pun
Not only does this tattoo show off your undying love for pizza, but it lets people know that you're a funny person anf you enjoy a good pun.