1. You are SO friendly.
Even to total strangers. What's wrong with wanting to say hello?
2. You drink "pop".
And whatever everyone else is drinking is just wrong.
3. Chili every season.
Skyline Chili is completely acceptable for every occasion and every day of the year
4. You've used the heat/AC in the same day.
Yes, I know it's summer, but it was 45 degrees morning and 77 this afternoon.
5. You have to describe your hometown by how many minutes away it is from Indianapolis.
"I'm about an hour southeast. Connersville, you've probably never heard of it."
6. Peyton Manning is a god.
AND he didn't want to leave the Colts. Just saying.
7. "Cow tipping" is real and you've probably done it
No shame in our game.
8. You go "creekin'"
How are we the only ones that call it that?
9. The entire state of Kentucky SUCKS
And we don't really know why. But trust us on this one.
10. If you're corn isn't knee high by the Fourth of July, you're in trouble.
I don't make the rules.
11. You've driven to Ohio for a Sunday beer run.
Indiana does not sell alcohol on Sundays by law. But the Ohio border is 15 minutes from us and we ain't got nothing else to do.
12. You know "Last Dance With Mary Jane" by Tom Petty by heart.
And you play it all the time. Because "she grew up in and Indiana town" and SO DID YOU BY GOD.
13. Walmart is sold out of bread, eggs and milk before every storm.
You can never be too safe.
14. The fair is actually a town show-out.
Anyone who is anyone will be there.
15. You are from the Midwest. NOT the North.
Don't fight me on this.