17 Signs You Go To Sam Houston State | The Odyssey Online
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17 Signs You Go To Sam Houston State

From red rockets to The Fox, we are an amazing bunch.

17 Signs You Go To Sam Houston State

Being a Sam Houston State University Bearkat is something worth being proud of. We are a part of the best university in Texas (at least in my opinion) and we get to proudly yell “Eat ‘Em Up Kats!,” when we stomp SFA every year. We have the most gorgeous campus around. We are a tight-knit school and are definitely one of a kind.

There are some signs that prove you are a Bearkat and here they are!

1. The parking struggle is real.

So where do you want to park today? Your options are Narnia or getting a parking ticket for parking in a faculty/staff spot. I am guilty of running up to a parking patrol person and begging them to forgive me. I have followed people for their parking spot to the point of being creepy.

2. You know the Sam Ave. chickens are sacred.

If you hit one of these chicks you should definitely be expelled. When I lived in SHV, I was always awakened by the rooster. Also, during the spring keep an eye out for the new babies! Freshman who live at SHV or Jack Shack, appreciate and protect.

3. You have helped Hump’s pay A light bill or two.

I am guilty of knowing Hump’s daily specials. Sometimes you cannot beat $3 red rockets, 50-cent wells, or shot specials. Also don’t pass up their $1.50 breakfast tacos on Sunday. If you have never been to Humps, are you even a Bearkat, bro?

4. You know the fourth floor of the library is for serious studying.

Have you ever wandered up to the fourth floor? It is kind of creepy and everyone is seriously studying. One time I was talking up there, and if looks could kill...

5. You sleep In the weirdest places.

We all nap on campus, or at least you should. Whether it is in the booths in the LSC, the Kat Klub or (my favorite) the performing arts center, we all sleep in weird places.

6. Hills, HILLS, THE HILLS. We hate HILLS.

Many years ago someone had the great idea of building a campus on top of a hill. Have you noticed that the rest of Huntsville is not on a hill? It is JUST the campus. I mean whatever, right? At least we get a workout on the way to class. I bet SFA girls don’t have great legs.

7. Getting “Nasty”or “Foxy” is regularly used in your vocabulary.

When someone actually says Shenanigans, you know they’re a freshman or out-of-towner. It is easier just to say Nasty’s. The Fox is the place to go for T-shirt Tuesday. Nasty's and The Fox both provide different atmospheres, but you need to experience both.

8. You know how to dodge people on Sam Ave.

All those freshmen crossing the street to get back to their dorm or to campus need to watch out. I have spent the last three years watching y’all run across the street or slowly walk. If I am coming down Sam Ave. at 30 mph please do not wait until I am 10 feet away to decide you want to cross the street!

9. You Do Not Feel Weird at all That People Get Executed Right Down The Road.

Oh, there’s an execution today? No big deal. Welcome to Prison City. We hear the sirens, we see The Walls Unit as well as the protestors. We are not at all freaked out by this. If you are, I think SFA accepts anyone.

10. Speeding on Sam Ave.?Think again

You know not to do this. Ugh, do not speed down Sam Ave. Just don’t guys! Especially at 2 a.m. on a Thursday night. Cops sit and WAIT for you. You are literally setting yourself up for a speeding ticket. Oh, and watch out for those bike cops. I speak from personal experience and a nice $125 ticket.

11. You know the absolute horror of not having a Chick-Fil-A off campus.

Huntsville seems to have everything now. Panda Express, Raising Cane's, Buffalo Wild Wings, TWO Taco Bells/Sonics/McDonalds…BUT ONLY ONE CHICK-FIL-A, and it is on campus. Why, Huntsville? Just why?

12. The squirrels are way too friendly and you love them.

Most of the time when you walk up to squirrels they run. On SHSU campus the squirrels just sit there and act like they own the campus. It is almost kind of creepy. Also, we love our squirrels and give them proper funerals.

13. Your wardrobe is mostly filled with free T-Shirts.

Whether it is Greek life, Chi Alpha, Bearkat Mania or Old Main, we always get free t-shirts. I have about 10 free t-shirts. Whether it is an extra large or an extra extra large, I still take it. I have gone to campus just for a free t-shirt multiple times...

14. In the winter you are always waiting on KatSafe.

Sam Houston just wants us driving when the roads are iced over, don’t they? We are not used to driving in these conditions. I remember my sophomore year hearing screams of joy throughout my apartment building when we got that Kat safe text.

15. You keep an umbrella handy because when it rains, it pours.

Oh my gosh, the campus FLOODS. I have seen cars halfway underwater at the intersection by the HKC. Here’s a tip: TURN AROUND, DON’T DROWN. The floodgates get closed, and we throw on our rubber boots, but we still have to go to class

16. Purple is a rare color in your wardrobe.

I own maybe one purple shirt and it is because AXO was handing them out for free while supporting the SAAFE house, so that's acceptable. Other than that, please quit wearing purple, especially to tailgates. Do you want to be a Lumberjack that bad? Oh and to the person who parks on campus with a SFA sticker on their car, you are a waste of a good parking spot.

17. People always ask you “What is a Bearkat”?

Bearkats are a real animal. As a matter of fact, I have pet one before, and do not mean the mascot, Sammy. They're actually kind of creepy-looking, but I'd rather be a Bearkat than a dirty Lumberjack any day.

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