If you have a TV and love to laugh, odds are you may have stumbled upon the hilarious truTV hit show "Impractical Jokers." The show follows The Tenderloins Comedy Troupe, four funnymen from Staten Island, NY, parading around New York City, pulling hilarious pranks on each other. For avid watchers and fans, this show has given them a new way of life. For me, it's brought an incomparable joy to my life and nonstop laughter every time I get to watch it. For whatever reasons you choose to watch the show, here are 15 symptoms of an "Impractical Jokers" addiction.
1. You grieve that none of the shows are available on Netflix.
Everyone knows Netflix is the easiest and most affordable way to watch your fave shows. It's low price, chill-ability, and no need for a cable company is obviously ideal. But for those who want it now, it is available for purchase on iTunes and through a cable provider on truTV's website.
2. Being alone is a lot less sad.
Maybe you just spend a lot of time alone by choice or maybe you're chilling without a partner or any friends. No matter how crappy your day might have been or how sad you feel, the show makes you laugh every time, guaranteed.
3. You can't go into any store without anticipating one of the Jokers helping you.
Always look for those hidden cameras. One day it'll happen.
4. Taking a test in your worst class always feels like an Impractical Jokers' survey.
I'm sorry, what does this have to do with microeconomics again?
5. The 5-second rule doesn't seem so nasty after watching Murr every episode.
Gross. Enough said.
6. And skydiving might not even look that scary either.
Just kidding. Murr is a fully grown man and could barely do it. I'm out.
7. You've learned how to improvise your way out of any situation.
If these guys can do it for a living, I can do it in front of a bunch of strangers. When the going gets rough, just ask, "What would the Jokers do?"
8. There are so many great pick-up lines you get to use now.
They really know how to make people swoon. Next time you're getting your flirt on, don't be afraid to try some of the guys' best lines.
9. You always manage to have fun when you're out in the park with your friends.
Some days you like to show off your sweet moves like Joe, others you prefer playing with remote-control cars to see how angry strangers get at you. On the bright side, you're a cheap date.
10. You're probably considered the weird friend.
But you can totally accept it at this point.
11. You've started saying things that literally make no sense.
When your humor consists of completely irrelevant and incomprehensible declarations, odds are you're in too deep. There's no way out now.
12. And when people just don't understand your sense of humor...
13. Winning bets with your friends equals avoiding a spot on the loser board.
Knowing you're safe from a punishment after winning an argument with your BFF is so rewarding. Even if there's no loser board or punishment.
14. You spend so much time watching the show that you realize someday it will all be over.
Just because you're watching death walk down the runway during Q's fashion show doesn't mean you can't laugh at it.