Depending on your circumstances, you may have nothing to do this winter break. Maybe you're looking for something to watch with your friends or family. Something to kick up your feet and watch after working the job you hold on to every break. Luckily, streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu have many binge-worthy shows to occupy your time. I consider myself a pro-binge watcher and thus my bias sways towards shows that I myself have binged recently. I also asked a few friends what they've recently watched and what service has these shows. I hope you're able to find a new show to binge and love from this list:
1. "Stranger Things," Netflix
This show came out in the summer and promptly became one of my absolute favorite shows to binge. There's only one season with eight episodes, between 40 and 55 minutes each. It pays homage to some of the best tropes of the 80s, while still managing to scare you every episode.
2. "Gilmore Girls," Netflix
I watched this show when I was younger, but my first official binge of it was my sophomore year of college. Now, I'm just finishing up a rewatch of the show in honor of the revival coming out. If you're looking for a feel good and funny show, this is one of my favorites for a bad day. There are seven seasons, so it'll definitely get you through the break.
3. "The Get Down," Netflix
I actually have not watched the show yet, but I have heard phenomenal things about it from friends and reviewers. Like Stranger Things, this show calls upon nostalgia, taking place in New York in 1977. The first part of the first season is six episodes, each about 53–93 minutes long. The second half of the season will come out in 2017. It's on my binge list for break and I highly recommend checking it out.
4. "The Librarians," Hulu
My roommate and I picked up this show while her boyfriend was over and we watched the first two seasons together. The third season is currently airing on TNT. The episodes are approximately 40-45 minutes long. If you're looking for a show about magic, science, the supernatural, and the struggle between good and evil, then this is your show. Plus there's an episode about Santa early on so... it's a perfect show for winter break!
5. "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," Netflix
An old show but a good show--my dad watched it when I was a kid and I fell in love with it myself after my cousin showed me the musical episode. There are seven seasons, with an average of twenty episodes per season. The episodes are all about 45 minutes long, so it's no small task to get through. However, if you like cheesy 90s tropes and the supernatural, it's well worth it.
6. "Brooklyn Nine-Nine," Hulu
I've seen this show in pieces, but it's one of the funniest shows on TV right now. My friends love marathoning it and some of the best jokes and tropes come from it. I wish I had a Hulu subscription so that I can actually marathon it, instead of just catching whatever my friends happen to be watching. If you have Hulu, or find it somewhere else, I definitely recommend checking it out. It has a very cute romance and the plot is just hilarious. It's highly recommended by most people I know.
7. "The Office," Netflix
For the longest time, I was afraid to watch this show because of all the hype surrounding it. However, I finally watched it and I was far from disappointed. There's a wide range of characters and jokes for pretty much any sense of humor (in my opinion). So many reaction gifs are from this show and it's a goldmine of stress relief episodes. And also, if you're looking for a quick marathon, I've heard the UK version is great and has quite the satisfying end. There's only 14 episodes (two seasons and two Christmas specials) to watch. But if you're down to marathon the entire show, the US version has nine seasons.
8. "Parks and Recreation," Netflix
Parks and Recreation was another show I binged during sophomore year, and then the last season started coming out when I finished my binge watch. Parks and Rec has seven seasons and if you like comedy I highly recommend it. Much like The Office, it plays off of having a camera crew and allowing the characters to interact with the camera. Since its end, I have rewatched it once and watched certain episodes when I needed a pick-me-up.
9. "The OA," Netflix
This show is brand new, and I'm actually watching it as I write this little list. My uncle recommended it to me and then a friend of mine gave it high praises. So far, I really like it. It's about a woman who went missing and cannot seem to explain where she went. She was blind before but now she can see. She also has wild stories about her childhood and where she went before she went missing. I generally trust my uncle's judgment and I think this is going to be a hit show. If you have Netflix and like their original shows, check this one out! It's science fiction and there are eight episodes.
10. "Friends," Netflix
Friends is another show from my childhood that, in hindsight, I shouldn't have watched but absolutely love. I have watched every single episode and some of them I've watched countless times. My aunt and uncle own every season on DVD and Netflix luckily has the show as well. If you've never seen it, it's your typical 90s sitcom about a friend group in New York City, but I've always loved the show more than most that I've seen. It's another big task to undertake but definitely watch the show, even if you don't have time for all ten seasons.
11. "Sense8," Netflix
This Netflix original is really weird and may not be for most, but is one of my top shows. There's only one season, which came out in the summer of 2015, and on December 23rd there will be a Christmas special coming out. This sci-fi show follows eight people who are sensates and connected to one another. To explain how would be to spoil you, but their connection is deep and powerful... and weird. Like many Netflix originals, it deals with heavy things but is so worth the watch in my opinion. To be able to act out the scenes that these actors perform takes an immeasurable amount of talent. There are twelve episodes that range between 45 minutes and an hour.
12. "The X-Files," Netflix/Hulu
There are ten seasons of the show, but there are only the original nine seasons online. The tenth recently premiered on Fox. Personally, I feel that only the first seven seasons are truly worth watching and I haven't bothered finishing the last two. The tenth was also pretty good. The show follows two FBI agents who are assigned to the paranormal cases. Famously, it's known for its themes about aliens and Mulder's belief in them. Plus, it gave us that killer theme song that people use in vines and videos.
13. "Scrubs," Netflix/Hulu
The last comedy on my list is another pretty iconic show that everyone knows about but may have never watched. For a while, I was again worried it may not live up to the hype I'd heard about it. It didn't fail to make me laugh and instead delivered some of the best TV moments I've ever seen. I highly recommend this comedy; there are nine seasons but again the last season isn't completely worth watching if you run out of time to finish the show.
14. "The Clone Wars," Netflix
This may seem a bit out of place on this list of adult comedies and dramas, but I absolutely adore this cartoon. If you like Star Wars at all and haven't watched this yet, please check it out. Last winter break I marathoned this show and I have zero regrets. This deepens the storyline of Star Wars so much by giving you a deeper understanding of characters like Anakin and Obi Wan, while introducing you to new characters who are crucial to furthering the stories in the movies. Before you scoff at me, consider watching this show.
15. "Freaks and Geeks," Netflix
This show only has one season and came out in 1999. It's good for a quick binge and has some amazing actors you may recognize. The story is about high schoolers--an older sister who runs with the freaks and a younger brother whose friends are the geeks. The episodes are all about 45 minutes long.
Of course, there are so many more television shows out there, both on Netflix and Hulu (as well as other streaming sites) that would come highly recommended. It was hard to pick just fifteen as I wanted to represent a wider range of tastes without making this too long. I also would have loved to include crime shows such as Bones, Castle, or NCIS or even more comedic shows such as Kimmy Schmidt and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Some of my favorite dramas and action shows were excluded, such as Daredevil and How to Get Away with Murder. I also love shows about the supernatural, such as Ghost Whisperer. I can recommend a binge of so many shows on Netflix. If you would like more ideas or can offer some of your own, feel free to comment!