Despite not getting pregnant (or even being sexually active) when I was 16, I've found that the movie I've been able to relate to the most is Jason Reitman's, "Juno." Between the quirky characters, awkward dialogue, and complicated relationships, we've each probably had our times that can be summarized as a "Juno" moment.
1. When your crush talks to you...
2. When you come home after a long day of being human...
3. When you realize you made a HUGE mistake...
4. When you learn that love is more complicated than you thought...
5. When you're a strong, independent woman...
6. When your crush ends up with someone else...
7. When no one takes you seriously because you're young...
8. When you learn growing up is harder than you thought...
9. When you can't live up to everyone's expectations...
10. When you need some advice from your good ol' dad...
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