If you are even the slightest bit familiar with the MTV show "Teen Wolf," then you probably know the two main characters, Scott and Stiles. These two wonderful guys (played by Tyler Posey and Dylan O'Brien, respectively) are and have been best friends since primary school. For me at least, the main part that attracted me to the show was the friendship between these guys. So I have decided to make a list (not including the current season to avoid spoilers in case you guys aren't caught up yet) of how their friendship mirrors yours and your best friend.
1. It's feels like a punishment to be away from your best friend.
Or it could actually be the punishment of choice for your parents.
2. Their parents are basically your parents, and vice versa.
You're basically one giant happy family.
3. You desperately try to stop your friend's word vomiting/bad speeches.
Please, stop. Just...stop talking.
4. You don't feel bad about gloating how right you are, and reminding them that you are.
Why don't you listen to me again?
5. You can dance like dorks together without feeling extra awkward.
You may not be able to dance, but you'll dance with your best friend anyway.
6. Willing to throw each other under the bus (for the small things, because we all know you'd take the blame to protect them for the big things).
It was totally them.
7. You are each other's biggest cheer leader.
Who's perfect? You are!
8. You are very familiar with this term called sarcasm.
Who, me? Never.
9. You deal with each other's stupid and less-than-thought-out plans with as much grace as you can muster.
Why did I ever agree to this?
10. You and your best friend are often asked how you have survived this long.
Still not quite that sure...
11. You are with each other through the hard times. You're ready to go down with them.
If they fight, you fight with them.
12. You're also ready to support them and do whatever it takes to help them.
Your shoulders are made to help them carry their burdens.
13. You guys will still take care of each other if one is hurt while arguing.
You may be mad, but you'll be more mad if they aren't tended to.
14. Sometimes you fight or your trust waivers...
It happens in every relationship.
15. But you always come back to each other in the end because your friendship is strong enough to withstand the ages.
You and your best friend can do anything, can be anything, and can make everyday great just by being together. Keep on adventuring with your best friend. You deserve it!