So, it's summer. For students, depending on whether you're working, interning somewhere or taking summer classes, you may or may not have a good chunk of free time on your hands.
You can play this small instrument casually, or you can practice to become the Ukulele Hero. It's a fun and relatively inexpensive hobby to get into. After I got past the procrastination stage of wanting but not yet buying my own ukulele, (well, someone finally just bought one for me, so that helped) I fell in love with playing right away.
Here are some of the best reasons why you should learn to play the ukulele:
1. Ukuleles only have four strings, unlike guitars which have six.
Less to worry about. Just let the guitar be the cool uncle or grandpa in this scenario.
2. Depending on the quality you're aiming for, they're pretty affordable.
According to Amanda Palmer in her song "Ukulele Anthem" they only cost $19.95, but the price range really varies depending on what brand, size and how nice an instrument you're going want. But compared to the rates most instruments go for, buying a ukulele can either be a small but worthy investment or just a week of foregoing Starbucks.
3. Learn three chords, learn more - but it doesn't take much to play a good amount of songs and impress friends with your adequate knowledge.
4. It's easy to find chords for your favorite songs online if that's your thing.
Ultimate Guitar is cool for finding tabs/chords for songs on guitar, but you can also find ukulele chords on there too! And then there's Ukutabs special just for ukulele players.
5. They're just so cute, look.
6. And if you've got a hardcore image you're just not ready to give up yet, there's a ukulele for you, too.
Just put it away at night. That thing is an instrument of nightmares.
7. They're easily portable.
That's right, you don't have to worry about accidentally exercising when you're lugging it around everywhere.
8. They come in four different sizes/styles.
Choices! It's a wonderful thing.
My personal pride and joy is a soprano. Just like the vocal range I wish I had.
9. You're one step closer to being like the cool, barefoot hipster you see walking around campus.
Or on the beach, where a ukulele has to make it at least once in its lifetime.
You know, that song that made you grin the first 20 times you heard it on the radio.
11. You can call yourself a musician without having to studiously practice for years on end.You learn those basic three to five chords and can play them decently? You're a musician. And it took, like, an hour. Learn more chords when you can.
12. You'll look more approachable.
If you're like me and have trouble controlling your RBF, having a ukulele with you, or telling some you play, automatically makes you seem that little bit friendlier.
13. If you already have experience playing guitar, playing the ukulele is a breeze.
And if you switch over for a while, your fingers will thank you. I mean, I still try to avoid certain chords when I can (go away, A#, no one wants you here) but the calluses on my finger are a lot less heart-breaking.
14. Metallica can totally be a thing on the ukulele.
Seriously. I'm learning to play an acoustic version of an Avenged Sevenfold song. Will it be horrible? Probably. Will it be fun? Yeah, sure, as long as I'm the only one home when I'm practicing.
15. And who doesn't want to gather 'round the campfire and sing that campfire song?
Yup, even the Spongebob classics. Especially the Spongebob classics. The point is, playing songs of both metal and, uh, miscellaneous genres is a feasible option, depending on whether you want to be a Goofy Goober or a Master of Puppets.
And there are always more reasons to learn a new hobby that has the potential to make you feel happy. So if this list has inspired you at all, go ahead and try it out!