If you are anything like me, you are an insane dog fanatic and instantly get happy the moment you lay eyes on those ever-adorable animals. If we are being honest here too, you also spend most of your time looking at puppy videos or dogs dressed up in party hats and the like. You also can't wait until you live on your own and can adopt all of the dogs. Pathetic? Nah. It's absolutely necessary when you think of all the ways dogs are wonderful, little, fur balls of pure joy. I mean there are plenty of reasons why they are considered man's (and woman's) best friend:
1. They are insanely cute.
I mean is there anything more adorable than a sleeping puppy? No. The answer is no.
2. They attack you with love.
All of the love. All of the time.
3. They get excited every time you come home, even if you were only gone for 5 minutes.
It's like you've been gone forever and came back, when in reality you just went out to get the mail and it's a major heart-melter.
4. They are the best workout buddies.
They don't judge you and will always be happy to run or walk with you.
5. They love to cuddle.
The best part: They won't even steal all the blankets.
6. They won't judge you for your eating habits.
They will most likely want to join in with you (it's all good, though, because of how much you two work out together...it cancels out).
7. They are always up for adventure. 
8. They reduce your stress level.
I mean is it really possible to be extremely stressed out and hate your life while petting a dog? Again, the answer is no. No, it is not
9. They are smart.
From being able to detect drugs, being service dogs of all kinds, working on farms, and doing all their tricks perfectly, they're pretty brilliant animals. I mean some of them aren't, but they are still cute so it's okay.
10. They protect you.
It doesn't matter if they are only 5 pounds and it's just an innocent pedestrian, they will make sure to the best of their little abilities that you are protected. *Heart melts*
11. They provide endless entertainment.
They're pretty much always up for your really dumb ideas.
12. You can dress them up.
While this might be for more for the more extreme dog people, but it's still pretty cute for us all to enjoy nonetheless.
13. They are all for treat yo self days.
14. Their goal is to make you happy.
They'll do their best to cheer you up when you had a bad day or sit with you while you cry through The Notebook for the millionth time.
15. They aren't humans.
Dogs are the best. End of story. Now go watch all your puppy videos shamelessly, you dog loving fanatic, you.