Fall 2015 has come to a close and spring 2016 is already here. How did this happen? Why am I back in school already? I am literally not ready, at all, to commit my time again to being a full time student. That's just bizarre. I'm still recovering from everything that happened last semester and now I'm expected to complete another year of college?
Nope. But, now as students we have to go back to our regular routine, sadly. Here are 15 reasons as to why I'm not ready to be back at school, at all.
1. I have to set alarms to actually wake up early.
The face says it all.
2. I have to go to class and actually do homework/projects.
The urge to quit school even though I just started back up again is real.
3. No more home cooked meals.
School food is terrible. It should be illegal to serve food that is equivalent to poop.
4. I have to see people I don't like.
Person: OMG, how are you? Missed you so much!
5. I have to truck around campus in the cold weather.
If you need me, I'l be walking around campus looking just like this.
6. My sleep schedule is going to be all messed up, again.
This mean endless amounts of coffee and falling asleep anywhere and anytime when you get the chance.
7. Stress. Levels of very high stress.
Are you even in school if you're not feeling stressed out 24/7?
8. Having to leave my pets.
The worst long distance relationship I will ever be in. Leaving my puppy at home.
9. Professors who are not understanding of anything and some may say could be related to satan.
School is already stressful, having a professor who doesn't help you with school, doesn't help.
10. I have to leave my home.
You never really appreciate home, until you leave. It has a special place in my heart.
11. Did I mention leaving your high school best friends?
It's never easy saying bye to the people that you're close with, especially when you have a close knit group of friends, that is your family.
12. Anxiety kicks in on the first day already.
You had at least a month to be anxiety free, guess what? Not anymore.
13. Having to actually do things and not be a couch potato.
I. Don't. Want. To. Do. Anything. Ever.
14. Parking. It's never easy.
May the odds be in your favor this semester.
15. I'm not ready to give up my Netflix binging.
Netflix is bae and no one can come between me and bae.
Good luck to every college student out there who has begun the spring 2016 semester and for those of you still on christmas break, god bless your pretty little souls.
Kick butt this year.