15 Reasons To Love Summertime In Southern Rhode Island | The Odyssey Online
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15 Reasons To Love Summertime In Southern Rhode Island

The best time of the year is right around the corner.

15 Reasons To Love Summertime In Southern Rhode Island

Embrace your Rhody pride! Here are just a few reasons to get excited for summertime in southern Rhode Island:

1. Beach Days, Of Course!

Referred to as "the ocean state," Rhode Island is known for its many awesome beaches. Whether you're looking to surf, boogie board, swim, or even just lounge around on a beach chair, you can fulfill your day at any of RI's beaches. And, while you probably prefer one over all of the others, any Rhode Islander can tell you that each of these beaches are among the best in the country. So prepare to find sand in every crevice of your life and get excited to beach it.

2. Day Trips to Block Island

Being in the smallest state, you may feel a little trapped at times. So, it's a good thing Rhode Island has its own private getaway: Block Island. When you're here, you sometimes forget that you're even still in Rhode Island. Let's be honest, you're probably already planning your first trip to the Block and daydreaming about climbing the bluffs, sipping out of a pineapple at Ballard's and tanning on the beach. I bet you just cannot wait to "sail away on the Block Island Ferry..." (It's stuck in your head now, isn't it?)

3. Ice Cream (& Gelato!)

What would beach days be without ice cream and gelato?! From Nana's to Brickley's to Vanilla Bean and much more, you will never be in search of a sweet treat. And you can't even be mad about the ridiculously long lines because you know deep down that you're completely willing to wait for your usual black raspberry chocolate chip in a waffle cone with chocolate jimmies.

4. Del's

Don't lie, you stop at the sign of the lemon every single time you see one. Del's literally tastes like summer (and happiness) in a cup and it couldn't be any better even if they tried. There's probably nothing in this entire world that could top a cold lemon Del's after laying in the sun for hours. But God forbid you use a straw...you might as well just tattoo "tourist" across your forehead.

5. Iggy's Doughboys

Iggy's is definitely one of the most iconic places in all of Rhode Island. You've had at least one dream this winter that included a fresh doughboy with three heavy coats of powered sugar. Are you drooling yet? Don't worry, you'll be able to get your fix sooner than you think. And with the whole place being newly renovated, you can enjoy the view as you stuff your face.

6. Monahan's Chowder & Clam Cakes

While enjoying a Del's definitely feels like you're sipping on summer, the nostalgic taste continues with Monahan's chowder and clam cakes. Nothing beats stopping here after the beach and munching on some cakes dipped in chowder. With a perfect view of Narragansett Bay, there's absolutely no other place you'd rather chow down.

7. Misquamicut Beach Rides & Bars

This hidden paradise is completely and totally underrated. If you haven't been to Misquamicut Beach, you should make sure to get yourself there at least once this summer. Whether you want to ride go carts and play in the arcade, or you just need to enjoy a drink at an oceanside bar, this is no doubt the place for everyone. Not to mention there's tons of hotels and motels along the strip, so you could even plan to getaway for a few nights!

8. Narragansett Food Trucks

It doesn't quite feel like summer until you end a long beach day with some freshly made brick oven pizza! You know you can't wait to head over to the Narragansett Beach parking lot every Monday and Wednesday to enjoy Pizza By Fire, Eddie's BBQ, the Shuckin' Truck, and tons more top notch food truck specialties. Because who cares about a "summer body", right?

9. Washington County Fair

This is it. The moment you've been waiting for. While the Washington County Fair may not come around until August, you have the whole summer to channel your inner redneck! This might be one of the biggest things to come to southern Rhode Island all year, especially if your favorite country singer is performing. Not to mention there's actual rides, truck pulls, a petting zoo, and a lot of other things you probably wouldn't do anywhere but here. So start fantasizing about turkey legs, giant pickles, and fried Oreos because the fair will be here before you know it!

10. Summer Festivals

We can't forget about all of the other festivals that bring Rhode Island to life in the summertime! The Seafood Festival at Ninigret Park will have you feigning for a nice hardy lobster roll, and the Rhythm and Roots Festival in Charlestown will bring out your inner hippie! Put yourself first this summer, let loose, and enjoy what your town has to offer!

11. Fresh, Local Seafood

If you've ever driven by the Matunuck Oyster Bar or TwoTen Oyster Bar in the summertime, you've probably wondered why people even go there and if they can breathe once they're inside (the lines are ridiculous!). But then you remember that their seafood is to die for and you contemplate stopping in yourself and bracing the crowd. Let's be honest, there is nothing like fresh seafood in the ocean state during the summer. You've seriously been spoiled, so don't expect be satisfied anywhere else.

12. Bonfires by the Shore

Picture it: you're sitting in a beach chair with your bare feet in the sand surrounded by a dozen of your best friends. Nothing brings the crew together like shenanigans and bonfires. The only thing that might put a damper on things is the mosquitos, but you know you're willing to face them for a night to remember.

13. Strolls down "The Wall"

If you don't know what "the wall" is, then you've been seriously deprived. To townies, the Narragansett Seawall is the best place to relax and unwind. There is absolutely nothing like taking a stroll down Ocean Road with the breeze blowing and the waves crashing right next you. Not to mention, the towers remind you just how cool and historic your town really is. it may get a little over-crowded in the summertime, but almost nothing can drag you away.

14. Unbelievable Sunsets

The sunsets in Rhode Island are like no other. I swear I'm not being biased; out-of-staters are happy to tell you that Rhody sunsets are life-changing. And, in the summertime, they're even better! So get ready for your Instagram feed to be flooded with sunsets all season long, and don't deny that you'll post at least one.

15. Gorgeous Weather

Let's be honest, it's really hard to please Rhode Islanders when it comes to weather. When it's hot, it's too hot, and when it's cold, it's miserably freezing. But there comes a point in the summer when it's 70 degrees, sunny, and just a little breezy, where nearly everyone is satisfied. Take advantage of Rhode Island's beautiful summertime vibes!

You'll probably be too busy focusing on all of the pesky tourists that you might forget how awesome your hometown really is! Remember to love where you live!

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