Mid-May hits, but we aren't going anywhere. We are the few, the brave, the proud, who stay for the summer.Take Rolla, MO for instance; the population of the entire town drops to a few townies, some elderly people who live on the outskirts of town, and us--those who stayed in town for class, work, or God knows why. Even though Rolla essentially dies once summer hits and most of our friends leave, we still have a good time. So, without further adieu, here are 15 reasons to live in your college town over summer:
1. Getting ahead with summer classes.
Okay, so we all know taking summer classes sucks. Chances are, though, that if you're taking a class or two you'll get a refund and/or your parents are helping you out financially (with the added benefit that you don't have to live with them.) Once the next semester rolls around you will have survived the class that all of your friends are struggling through, and you get an easier semester. If you're not getting ahead, then you're probably GPA boosting, so enjoy that easy A you "earned" once August rolls around.
2. There are no lines at the bars.
It's Tuesday, so we all know what that means... Dolla Dolla Wells, ya'll! We pile into our Sober D's car, and we're over the river and through the woods to The Grotto we go. Ordinarily it would be jam-packed, shorties like me would get swallowed by the crowd, and the line to get a drink would be Hell. But not this time, thanks to summer! When Wing Wednesday rolls around, your wait would be approximately two hours for 10 wings and a pitcher, but summer has struck and now you only have to wait an hour! Then it's time for El Margs on Thursday and you get a table in no time, down a pitcher before the second round of chips and salsa are out, and someone's belting out some killer karaoke all before 9 p.m. This leaves us with ample time later that night to make it to round two of dollar wells at C&M (I refuse to call it Shotz.)
3. Girls in bikinis; guys in swim-trunks.
Put your sexist pitchforks down already. Come on. Who doesn't love summer for the summer attire? OK fine--I admit it. Maybe it's a little objectifying. Happy now? Anyway, a major perk of working on your major over the summer is finally getting to see what everyone's been hiding under their winter clothes. The con is when said girls in bikinis and guys in swim-trunks have long-distance significant others. *Sigh* and let the staring commiserate.
4. You have a better chance to get to know your college town.
You actually have time to drive around and explore. Sure, it's Rolla so once you've driven 10 miles out you've basically seen it all. However, if you go just a bit further you'll find awesome places to hang out or hike, swim or sunbathe, and Googling things to do around you never hurt either. The downside is people will most likely mistake you as a townie. Although that in and of itself can be soul crushing, just remind yourself they know not what they speak of and you are definitely NOT from Rolla.
5. Subleasing is super cheap.
Housing can be one of the worst things about college, but it definitely doesn't have to be over summer. Sure, you're bumming a room off of someone for three months and that mattress might be iffy, but the cheap rent is so worth it. You get to explore your housing options for the upcoming semester, too, by living here and there summer-to-summer.
6. There are no pledges.
Self explanatory.
7. What is traffic?
We might have already had limited traffic before because it's Rolla, but now we can't even remember what that word means. You want to get from Donut King to Taco Bell to Kapp Sig in under 15 minutes? Do it!
8. BBQs and fratio drinking.
Make sure you're checking those 12 Groupmes you're in because one of them is bound to be talking about grilling out and drinking at either a fraternity or someone's summer house. And in case you don't know the rules, BYOB and a side. Don't be that guy.
9. Taco Bell's timing improves exponentially.
We used to have to wait in a 10-car pile-up to get our snack on. Then 8 p.m. would roll around on a Monday and our dreams would be dashed as we pulled up to a line of cars wrapping around the building. For those of us who aren't quitters, we were content to wait for 45 minutes to get our cheesy-beefy goodness with a Baja Blast. It's summer now, though, so enjoy that under 10-minute service.
10. Sunburn and peel with friends.
We all will go on float trips together, maybe hit up Fugitive Beach, and be outside having some summer fun. No matter what we're all doing, though, you can bet we're all going to get burnt together. Accept the weird tan lines, the perpetual sunglasses outline on your face, and the oh-so-attractive peeling. Cue High School Musical, because we're all in this together.
11. House parties.
No longer will you have to wait in the lines that plague Greek parties because it's summer, so that means house parties. It's a time when geeks, greeks, and non-affiliates alike can come together as one for a good, drunken time. Then we all get to bond over being hung over together the next day, too! Who doesn't love that?
12. Becoming a regular at a local coffee shop.
It might be summer, but those classes are still as hard as ever. Pulling an all-nighter is standard, and coffee is the friend that will help you achieve your staying awake dreams. Need a pick-me-up before class or work? Coffee will save you. Even if it ends in tragedy like depicted above, savor the time of no lines and feel like a champ when the baristas already have your cup ready every day, you regular, you.
13. Group-watch Game of Thrones on Sundays.
Watching GOT is amazing all on its own, but getting to watch it with your equally nerdy friends is much better. If you don't watch this show, you might not understand. I can assure you, however, it's better to be screaming, "No! You can't kill [insert character!]" with a crowd than on your own though. No one quite understands your fictional losses like your GOT friends.
14. Meeting new people
We all have those moments during a regular semester where we pass someone on our way to class, see them at The Grotto, make awkward eye contact at the gym, or run into them at one of the three decent places to eat. But, we never talk to them. We never become friends, date, nothing. Semester to semester we see these people over and over again, but we have all already established our friend groups, so why add someone new now? Once summer hits the rules of the game change. Suddenly, we don't have our typical friend groups and are scrounging for some human contact. That's where the passing them turns into saying hi, seeing them at The Grotto leads to buying a drink for them, awkward eye contact morphs into a smile, and we end up eating together too. Some of funniest friends I have, I've met while in Rolla over the summer. So embrace the lack of familiar people and meet someone new.
15. It will be the best summer ever.
Maybe it's a bit of an exaggeration, but still. You will have a blast, guaranteed. For those of us who stick around over a summer, we all form a bond that those during the regular semesters just don't understand. We have our inside jokes, crazy summer stories, and new friendships that can only be summed up by summer experiences. So, stick around for a summer. You won't regret it!