Today Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and the absurd amount of pirate movie sites dominate most of our worlds film viewing population. What ever happened to going to the theater with a few friends, or a date and taking in the atmosphere of the movie itself? I do not know about you but as an avid movie goer I know for a fact that nothing compares to watching a film at the movie theater. Here are 12 reasons why the the movie theater is a much better place to view new and exciting films!
1. Ticket Stubs
I know I may be weird but I keep all my ticket stubs and it is pretty cool. To look back to see what films you saw in the theater is a blast from the past. Going to the movies create memories with everyone that goes and those moments can be cherished through a ticket stub.
2. Mmmmm Popcorn
Call me crazy but I hate the taste of popcorn. However the smell of popcorn is mesmerizing and everyone knows that the aroma of popcorn = movie.
3. No Distractions... Hopefully
For nearly two hours everyone in the theater is locked into the film. Some people may be making out in the back or annoyingly shining their phone screen but overall for that amount of time it is all eyes on the screen. Lord knows we could all deal without what Lauren and Harry had for dinner for a couple hours.
4. Sale on Movie Tuesdays
Although I know it will cost you arms and legs most of the time, on Tuesday's a lot of movie theaters will have showtimes for two dollars ! That way you spend less of your live savings !
5. Romantic
C'mon, do I really have to explain this? Ok I understand it may be cliche to go see a movie for a date but it works. The dim lights, no distractions, and intimate! What else could you ask for?
6. Surround Sound
Most will debate that their home stereo system is just like a movie, I beg to differ. The movies now are so complex that it feels as if you are in the action as it is happening. Especially if you want to checkout iMax theaters with special "4-D" sound and feeling!
7. No Spoilers
Oh my when someone goes to see a movie I am about to go watch and they ruin the entire film, I consider that person dead to me. Okay maybe a little harsh but when you go to the movies you are the first in line! You do not have to wait the 3 months before it reaches Netflix to watch it.
8. Crowd Interaction
*Crowd laughs* When everyone laughs or awes at the same time you as an individual connect with other people. Makes you feel apart of something bigger and you are not alone with your emotions.
9. Community
For example, Han Solo shows up for the first time on screen in 30 years in Star Wars and the crowd goes wild. The community aspect or fan base of different movies is awesome. As a geek, I like to talk and have conversations with these people after the movie because they are as interested in it as I am.
10. Social
All different age groups can go to the movies and feel the same comradery or friendship being together in the same place. It is also an experience with friends that cannot be explained and never gets old. Every film is different and because of that the atmosphere is always changing.
11. After Credit Clip
Viewers will stay for 15-20 minutes after a film to get a sneak peek of a sequel or next edition in the series. This only comes exclusive when going to the movies. It will appear on the internet at some point but not until the movie has had its time in the theaters.
12. Previews
For some films, the previews are better than the actual featured presentation. Discussing future expenditures with friends for upcoming movies also gives way for another opportunity to hangout again.