I recently returned from a Music and Art Festival in Manchester, TN called Bonnaroo. I went into the experience not really knowing what to expect but came out of it a full-fledged "Bonnaroovian." Here are some of the best things about the weekend in my opinion. If you have gone, you can probably relate and if you haven't gone, maybe these will persuade you to put in on the old bucket list to go in the future!
1. The Lineup
Need I say more?
2. The Food
From everything to spicy pie with jalapenos and pineapple and burritos with basically anything in them to freshly glazed donuts and giant corn dogs, you definitely don't leave hungry. Here's a happy picture of me eating a burrito to prove it.
3. The "Roo C'roo"
The very second the first person arrives on Wednesday night to the minute the last person leaves on Monday morning, volunteers deemed as the Roo C'roo are there to assist people in any way possible. They keep the weekend going smoothly and with this many people attending and camping at the festival (Arial shot shown below) it is definitely not an easy job, but the good news is that almost all of them are just as excited to be there as you are which makes them a joy to be around!
4. Fashion (or lack thereof)
When it comes to what you look like and what you wear, individuality is valued at Bonnaroo. Nobody cares if you want to wear a fanny pack or a fluffy unicorn head, you do you, man. Glitter and paint are also encouraged and because it gets so hot in summer in southern Tennessee, you're literally allowed to wear whatever keeps you cool.
5. The Arch
One of the surprises of Bonnaroo every year upon arrival is how the arch is decorated! It changes every year and it doesn't get any less amazing to walk under to enter into Centeroo while you spend your time there! Not to mention the fact that it lights up at night.
6. The Walls
More than one wall around Centeroo are used to encourage people to write messages and paint pictures of positivity on them including what kind of world they want to live in and why they came to Bonnaroo and just whatever they are inclined to add to the wall.
7. The Roo-chute
Who doesn't love a giant parachute used to spread kindness that makes you feel like a kid again when they used to bring them out in 3rd grade gym class? Well that is exactly what the Roo-chute is and you can find it as it randomly pops up around the festival.
8. High-Five Friday
Friday isn't the only day that "high-fives" are encouraged but it is definitely one of the most popular staples of the festival. I have never given so many high-fives in such a short amount of time in my life. The line to enter Centeroo is the place where most of the high-fives are given out and it is absolutely amazing to take part in such a simple but amazing tradition.
9. Radiate Positivity
The festival's whole motto is to "Radiate Positivity" and that is exactly what it succeeds in and what you will hopefully use as a motto in your everyday life away from Bonnaroo also!
10. A Little Dirt Never Hurt
By the end of the week you will be sunburnt, greasy, and have a lot of dirt under your nails but I promise all of the wet wipe "showers" and dry shampoo will be totally worth it in the end and everyone finishes the week just as gross as the next person but everyone is too completely and utterly happy to notice.
11. Charging Stations
Although while you are attending Bonnaroo, it will feel a bit like you are on another planet, they do everything they can to make sure you are not completely cut off from the outside world during your stay. Bonnaroo is aware that it is not Woodstock and they make sure that plenty of charging and WiFi stations are available throughout the pods and Centeroo.
12. Go Green
Bonnaroo has sustainable running through its veins. You are encouraged throughout the week to recycle and bring a reusable water bottle to fill up at one of the water sites throughout the weekend. There are also many nonprofit organizations supporting the environment located in Centeroo that you can check out.
13. The Atmosphere
There is yet a place on earth for me to encounter that has an atmosphere like Bonnaroo. The weekend embodies everything that is good about the human spirit and is bound to help anyone open their eyes to how great this world can be if you are open to it. Plus with so much good music and art in the atmosphere? Full proof. Everyone dances and sings the entire weekend with absolutely no judgement. Your ears may be ringing by the end of the weekend and you may go partially deaf but where else can you go with that kind of atmosphere other than a music festival? Hint: The answer is nowhere.
14. Silent Disco
Imagine a room full of people and a DJ, everyone jamming and dancing around to music with headphones on and taking the headphones off and hearing nothing but complete silence and looking around and seeing everyone move to absolutely nothing. That is a silent disco and it is just as awesome as it sounds.
15."Happy Roo!"
This is a statement that people use to greet each other all over Bonnaroo and it couldn't describe the weekend better. It is more than just a festival it is like a holiday for the people who continue to come back year after year. By the end of the week, you will be another person exclaiming "Happy Roo!" year after year. You are bound to meet at least one person while you wait in line for the bathroom or bond over waiting six hours for the same band you love more than anything and they could be from absolutely anywhere. This is why the people are such a huge part of Bonnaroo's success and make it such a "happy roo!"