The holidays have been fun and seeing your family and hometown friends again is always great, but at a certain point you realize there are certain things you can only get from your college roommates. Roommates share that bond that can't be replicated by hometown friends. The relationship is just different when you live with someone, and your parents just don't cut it. By this time, you're probably starting to miss your roommates, even though it's only been about two weeks. Here's why.
1. Your parents don't want to order pizza with you at 1 a.m.
2. Your closet is significantly smaller when it's not joint with theirs.
3. You no longer have friends in walking distance of your bed.
You mean I need to drive to see people?
4. They have to help you analyze text messages over the phone rather than in person.
5. You need someone to encourage you to be social.
6. And someone to encourage you to make terrible decisions.
7. You need your cuddle buddies.
8. And you need someone to binge watch Netflix with you.9. You're not going to clean unless you have roommates to call you out on being messy.
You're certainly not going to listen to mom.
10. You need a second opinion about whether or not that shirt looks good on you.
Your brother doesn't care.
11. You want someone to talk over your day with besides your dog.
You've never missed your instant-therapist more.
12. Your support system (and personal bodyguard) is physically too far away.
How can you be my shoulder to cry on when I'm nowhere near your shoulder?
13. You miss their constant stream of weird stories and jokes.
14. And you don't laugh nearly as much before bed when you're by yourself.
15. Basically, you miss your roommates because your life is significantly worse without them.