If you are in college, chances are you have roommates, whether it be one or multiple. No matter how many you have, there are many upsides to living with other people.
1. They make you food when you are hungry.
I can always count on my roommates to make extra food for me. This is an important quality in a good roommate.
2. You always have someone to talk to when you need emotional support.
3. You can borrow their clothes.
—with permission of course. Or if they aren't there to say otherwise...
4. If you forget something at your room, someone can usually get it or bring it for you!
5. When their parents come to visit, you are always invited to dinner with them.
There is nothing like a free meal with family, even if the family is 'extended'.
6. You can always get a second opinion on your outfits without having to send pictures or FaceTime someone.
They usually aren't afraid to tell you when they don't like something.
7. Your movie collection grows without having to buy any more movies.
Honestly,this is one of my favorite roommate perks.
8. You get exposed to music you otherwise would not have gotten to hear.
Some of my favorite songs are from my roommate's playlists.
9. You can get free relationship advice.
You can always trust your roommate to give you an honest opinion on a potential new boyfriend or girlfriend.
Literally, all of the time. Probably once a day.
11. They will remind you when important events are coming up.
There are times I would have completely forgotten a birthday or a meeting if one of my roommates hadn't reminded me.
12. You get to meet different circles of people.
You are constantly introduced to new groups of friends and in turn get to make more friends!
13. Never underestimate a good inside joke.
14. You can share everything.
Dishes, food, cleaning responsibilities, supplies, clothes, almost anything you can set your mind to. Its always nice to know that if you need an oven mitt, someone is bound to have one.