1. They’re great with kids.
2. They make the perfect cuddle buddies.
3. …and they’re always down for a nap.
4. They’re perfect to photograph.
5. They let you dress them up and they still love you, even though you’re a pain in the butt.
6. They’re too cute to resist… I mean, look at that face and tell me it’s not the cutest thing you’ve ever seen…
7. They’re the best workout partners.
8. They’re always willing to explore.
9. They’re often used as therapy dogs, bringing joy to people & helping them live each day.
10. They smile. They laugh. They just love life.
11. They’ll cheer for your favorite team.
12. They’re the perfect Christmas presents.
13. They love any weather and are always down to play in the snow.
14. They love you so much, they’ll FaceTime with you when you’re away.
15. And even during their last days, they remain loving & loyal.