Your sister is the person you love unconditionally, but she is also the person that you sometimes really really strongly dislike. She knows exactly how to get under your skin but, that’s what a sister does and you know you love her anyway. Whether a younger sister or an older sister, she will always be your sister, your ride or die, and the one that has that unconditional love for you right back. No matter what, there are so many reasons why you are lucky to have her.
1. She is your personal photographer.
No matter where you may go whether it is on a big vacation or to the pool in your backyard, you always know a photo-shoot is bound to happen and when it does, you can always count on your sister to take hundreds and hundreds of photos of you because she knows how picky you are and one picture is never enough.
2. She is your #1 supporter.
She will always root you on no matter what the circumstances may be.
3. She is your personal stylist.
If there is ever a day where you can't decide what to wear and let me tell you, that is all the time, you can always text a picture to your sister and she will always tell you if you look bomb or if you ugly.
4. She tells it how it is.
If she hates your outfit, she will tell you. If she thinks you smell, she will tell you. She will never ever be afraid to tell you something straight up.
5. The inside jokes.
You will always have inside jokes that no one will ever understand and whenever you may think of that inside joke, you will both start dying laughing and only you guys will know why.
6. She is your ride or die.
You will always have her back, and she will always have yours. You can always count on her to get you out of a sticky situation or cover you for an hour so your parents don’t suspect a thing and she is always very good at it.
7. You know that at the end of every fight, she will still be there.
Fights are inevitable. It happens to all types of siblings. They are stupid and sometimes happen for no reason but you know that she will always come back.
8. She has seen you at your weirdest.
You never have to feel like you are being judged for when your weird side comes out and let’s be real, we all have one and it always comes out from time to time.
9. You don’t have to think of a maid of honor at your wedding.
Your sister has called dibs to be the maid of honor at your wedding since you both were little girls. There is no stress in having to pick one since it's been picked for years.
10. You always have someone to be with at forced family functions.
Come on. We have all been there where our parents force us to go to family functions where we are surrounded by people we do not know and by people who claim they have known us for forever. You know that the only person you know is your sister and you cling to her for dear life.
11. If you are the older sister, being that role model is a blessing.
Your younger sister will always look up to you whether you think she is or not. She will always look up to you as her older sister.
12. You may have different personalities but you are similar in so many ways.
No matter what kind of personality you both may have, you will always have something that makes you guys similar.
13. Karaoke sessions in the car.
Enough said.
14. She is your personal safe for secrets.
You can let out all of your secrets and you can always trust that she will always keep them safe.
15. She will always be your best friend.
At the end of the day, your sister will always be the person who you count on the most. You know you will never be sad and lonely with your sister by your side. She is the person you will have for the rest of your life and you know that you would be lost without her.