15 Reasons Why Emma Watson Is An Excellent Role Model
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15 Reasons Why Emma Watson Is An Excellent Role Model

A look into how the young British actress is an excellent role model for anyone.

15 Reasons Why Emma Watson Is An Excellent Role Model
Peaceful Warriors

Emma Watson, known best for her role as Hermione Granger in the "Harry Potter" films, has many achievements under her belt, all while maintaining an excellent image of herself. Her charity work has helped many people around the globe, and she continues to work diligently with it on top of her acting career. Thanks to her work, here are some reasons why she is an excellent role model for not only today’s young woman, but for anyone.

1. HeForShe is one of her primary solidarity campaigns that she promotes.

The speech given by Emma during the launch for the HeForShe campaign was widely circulated. It was well known that Emma was a leader in the journey for gender equality – not just for me, but for women. She continues to make a large presence with the campaign.

2. On top of her acting career, Emma obtained a degree from Brown University.

While she had taken two semesters off during her college years for her acting career, Emma also attended Worcester College, Oxford as a visiting student. She obtained her degree in English literature in May of 2014. Although it took her five years to finish, she continued to pursue both her acting and education simultaneously.

3. Throughout Harry Potter, Emma maintained excellent grades.

Not many students can say that while being a part of a worldwide phenomenon they were able to keep their head on straight and keep their studies a priority. Emma constantly made As throughout her schooling during "Harry Potter" filming.

4. Emma knows how to have fun without going crazy.

Quite possibly one of the few young stars out there that has not had a headline outlining a bad situation, Emma keeps her head level. She keeps herself out of the spotlight outside of her movies and her charity work.

5. Emma maintains a clean social media presence.

Twitter is Emma’s main communication tool to her fans. She posts about new happenings with her charities, as well as will do Q&A’s with her fans. While doing this, she has a clean social media, with no photo leaks or any Twitter fights.

6. Even after Harry Potter, she keeps her friendship with Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint going strong.

Emma, Daniel, and Rupert all grew up together on the set of "Harry Potter." While the three are separated, all doing their own careers and living their own lives, Emma has said that they all do keep in touch. Friendship is important to her, and it doesn't end when the movies do.

7. Emma's clothing style is nothing less of beautiful and classic.

Many in the limelight sometimes try to wow the crowds with unique, out of this world, and sometimes inappropriate fashion. Emma, though, has a fashion statement that is so classy and accentuates her beauty. She has never had to dress less to impress.

8. While maintaining being a classy young woman, Emma has a goofy personality that shines with a bright smile.

And what's important in life is that you always know how to have fun, no matter what. Her personality is a wonderful representation on that. It shows in every interview that she has held, and her many coworkers agree that Emma has a loving, fun, and unique personality.

9. Emma is passionate about everything she does.

From acting, to her education, and to her family, Emma is passionate about everything in her life. She lives life to the fullest, and takes advantage of all that life gives her.

10. Emma is a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador.

With this comes great responsibility, but once again Emma proves that she can handle anything. The role is important to her heart, as she works with others for equality for all, not just women.

11. Emma is not only athletic, she enjoys it.

Emma plays hockey, and is also a certified yoga instructor. Emma played field hockey at Brown University, and had played during her years in school and filming Harry Potter. She promotes being healthy to everyone, especially younger girls.

12. Emma stands up for others, not just for those she helps in charity work.

There have been many instances where Emma has been reported to stand up for those who are unable to do so for themselves, particularly when it comes to women's rights in various countries where women are suppressed. One such instance is when the girls of Chibok in Nigeria were kidnapped. She immediately joined in the social media campaign to let the world know that she did not stand for the actions that were happening.

13. Emma adores her fans; there isn't one encounter with a fan that hasn't been negative with her.

Emma appreciates her fans as much as she appreciates her friends. She appreciates all the support she receives from her fans. She even goes out of her way to make them happy.

14. At the age of 25, Emma has achieved many of the goals she has set for herself.

Emma has graduated from college, and has already starred in over 20 films, including those soon to be released. Even her charity work has been going on since she was a teenager, leading to help in many organizations. She has even designed clothes for People Tree, which promotes fair trade products. Emma has also won over 16 awards during her career.

15. But above all else, Emma is just like the rest of us.

Even though she is a major film star, Emma is just as much as a human being as us, and portrays that in her day-to-day life. Her love for life and her love of her career can make anyone aspire to be just like her.

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