Being a college student, we all have had coffee at some point of our careers. Whether we started drinking coffee in high school and it continued form there or we occasionally drink it when we need some energy, coffee has more benefits than just helping us stay awake. While there are many misconceptions that people have about coffee, there are multiple positive aspects on why coffee isn't bad and it is actually good for us. As a professional coffee drinker myself, here are 15 reasons why everyone should drink coffee.
1. Coffee improves energy levels and makes you smarter
2. Coffee helps burn fat
3. Coffee can help physical performance
4. Coffee contains many nutrients such as Riboflavin, Pantothenic Acid, Potassium, Magnesium, and many more.
5. Coffee can help lower the risk of type II diabetes.
6. Coffee helps protect your liver against diseases such as cirrhosis.
7. Coffee can help fight depression and make you happier.
8. Coffee can help lower the risk of liver cancer, colorectal cancer, and skin cancer.
9. Coffee contains massive amounts of antioxidants.
10. Coffee will help you live longer since it prevents some diseases.
11. Coffee can lower the risk of stroke.
12. Coffee can help lower the risk of Parkinson's disease with the help of the caffeine.
13. Coffee can help protect you from Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia.
14. Coffee can help lower your risk of heart failure
15. Coffee has hardly any calories, if you don't use a lot of creamer.
Coffee is the best thing that has ever been created, so go drink some!!