I am an introvert. Since this is a big part of who I am I
thought about writing an article about the life and struggles of an introvert
as a little high five to my introvert community so we can feel understood but
don’t have to deal with people. However, I realized mid-planning of this
article the amount of pictures, images, and quotes that I have saved over the
years that (should hopefully) really speak to the introvert community. So if
you are an introvert… this little list is for you.
1. This Graph.

Click on the picture to have another list full of graphs like this one.
2. We are the people who know e.v.e.r.y.b.o.d.y.s. name, even when they don't know ours.

3. Some introverts (like me) might talk a lot, but rambling and deeper truths are two very different things.

4. Shout out to the wall flowers.

5. This requires no explanation.

6. In regards to that comment about talking a lot...

7. This is true about almost every introvert I know.

8. Painful accuracy.

9. This is important to know if you want to help the introverts in your life.

10. Something that people don't seem to understand.

11. This is especially hard for people to understand when the introvert in question is a talker, but it's still accurate.

12. The third part of this list is especially true about the mailman. If you don't hide from the mail ma I can't trust you.

13. This quote really speaks to me, especially since I thought I was an extrovert for a long time, and let me tell you, that was extremely tiring.

14. I saw something similar to this on Facebook and I felt such a connection to it, this is what made mw what to write this article.

15. And to Finish it out, I will leave you with this (very important) list.

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