College is hard, and apparently so is living in Los Angeles with your best friends while filming a "reality" TV show. Lucky for us, all their struggles can help us laugh through this emotional roller coaster we call college.
1. When your parents ask how school is going.
2. When you finally hit the gym after a three month "break."
3. When your friend orders pizza without you.
4. When someone asks about your relationship status.
5. When you take the first shot of the night.
6. When you still have two weeks left of classes and it's finally sunny outside.
7. When you can't tell the difference between a 1 or a 10.
8. When you get that random "hey" at 2AM.
9. When you've been binge watching Netflix for 12 hours and realize you probably should've studied.
10. When your friend leaves you alone at the bar for a boy.
11. When you realize you're a senior and haven't studied abroad.
12. When you ask a guy to hang out and they think you are practically asking them to marry you.
13. When you check your bank account after going out three nights in a row
14. When you put off all your homework until Sunday night.
15. When you've been in sweats all day and decide to throw on some mascara.
16. When a high school friend asks for your best advice for college.
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