With the school year winding down, and graduation right around the corner, seniors everywhere are being hounded by one question-"What are you doing after graduation?" If you're lucky, you have a legitimate answer to this question, one that you can proudly tell your grandma and your parents can brag about. However, for the vast majority of seniors, this question is one that you avoid at all costs but it continues to haunt you. You would rather be asked anything else, so here are 18 questions that are still awful, but somehow not as bad as being asked that question.
1. "When is the last time you went to the gym?"
2. "When was the last time you showered?"
3. "How's your love life going?"
4. "Are you ever upset that your siblings are more successful than you?"
5. "How did your March Madness bracket turn out?"
6. "How much did it cost to apply to law school/grad school/med school?"
7. "How much did you cry when The Office ended?"
8. "Are you sure you don't drink too much?"
9. "How much do you miss President Obama?"
10. "How much money did you spend at Happy Hour last week?"
11. "On a scale of 1 to 10, how upset are you that the new season of Game of Thrones is only going to have 7 episodes?"
12. "How hard do you cry listening to 'Supermarket Flowers' by Ed Sheeran?"
13. "How angry does it make you when people say the movie is better than the book?"
14. "How devastated were you when Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton broke up?"
15. "What is your favorite Nickelback song?"
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