If you guys are anything like me, you probably get writer's block. I for one can never think of anything to write. I had a hard time writing essays in high school and in my first year of college as well. If the teacher gives me a topic to write about, I'll be okay. But if it's a creative essay, I had the hardest time. I never had an idea that I thought was "good enough" for people to read. I want to overcome that fear, so I decided to join Odyssey. Here are some really good article ideas to write about when you suffer from writer's block!
1. How many licks does it take to get to the middle of a Tootsie Pop?
Perform a study with you classmates and schoolmates about how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop and write about your experience and how other people felt about it! (And of course and average licks result!)
2. Study race, gender or other issues in a Disney movie.
Not only is it a good excuse to watch a Disney movie, but it is also a good chance to see a Disney movie from a different perspective.
3. Interview some professors and ask them what they think college kids do in their free time.
Well, since professors always pile homework on us, let's see what they think we do on a regular basis!
4. Critique some aspect of pop culture.
This is pretty self-explanatory.
5. Write a letter to your 25-, 30-, or 50-year-old self.
This is self-explanatory as well. Just try to think of things that you would want to have done or would want to tell your future self!
6. Write a movie review!
7. Write a list of things you wished you did over the summer –– or things you actually did over the summer.
8. Write 50 random things about yourself.
9. The worst TV shows.
We've all got them!
10. Things you would change about your university.
We all have a list of those too!
11. Do you think women have a say in society today?
Be honest and give out surveys! You will be pretty surprised to what you would find!
12. A list of things you would never do again.
No Ragrets. Not even a single letter.
13. Write a travel blog.
If you like to travel and you do so every break from school, write a photo essay. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words!
14. Top 10 favorite YouTube videos and stars.
YouTubers can be pretty inspirational sometimes and we can learn a lot about how to live the life you want to live from them! Shoutout to IISuperwomanII, Love you!