Netflix has been the ultimate game changer when it comes to watching TV. No more are the days of waiting a week to watch one episode of a show at a time; instead, we watch seasons at a time, knocking out series with 10+ seasons in a matter a week. It's all fun and games until it's 4 a.m., you're eyes are bloodshot, you realize you haven't moved from the position you're in in the last eight hours, and your show has ended. There is no devastation like that of seeing a preview for a new show in that bottom right-hand corner rather than the next episode preview. I'm here to walk you through each phase you go through as you begin and end a new show on Netflix.
EntertainmentApr 30, 2018
The 15 Phases Of Starting And Ending A Show On Netflix
8. Yes Netflix, of course I am still watching. Put my show back on!