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The 14 People You Meet At College

The 14 People You Meet At College

The people you meet in college can in fact shape who you are and who you turn out to be. And while every school has there own stereotypes and unique individuals- there is a generic list of students you are guaranteed to run into. I am here to give you a general guideline on who you meet.

1. The Over Achiever

While you are struggling to get up for your 8:30, they are up by 6:00 am and have completed their homework for the rest of the week.

2. The Stoner

The one who just can chill all day, simply smoking the day away until the late hours of the night, with no worries in the world.

3. The Stressed Out One

The person who thinks it's World War III every time a teacher assigns a paper. The one who over analyzes everything.

4. The Dealer

The one kid you never really know what they do- but you know it can't be good. They are the one who causes you to freak out whenever they're around.

5. The Hippie

Going to UVM, I see a fair share of people with the same guidelines of peace and love. You will find that these people are the ones are the ones who are feeling the Bern.

6. The Jock

These people are the kids who are decked out head to toe in the school sponsored gear. The ones who get all the girls to turn their heads and are known all throughout campus by the team they are on.

7. The Gamer

These are the people who you don't usually meet until you go to see one of your friends but instead when you walk into the room you meet his roommate.

8. The Addict

The one who is always on something. You're pretty sure you've never seen them sober.

9. The Frat Boy

These kids are the ones who can't go anywhere without his brothers. These are the kids who think everyone should know there names just because.

10. The Mom

The one who always questions your decisions and is making sure whatever you do, you should know the consequences. She's the one who tends to be the sober one at a party and is willing to leave whenever. She is always the one who people yell at but secretly appreciate.

11. The Girl Who Gets Around

This is someone who won sweetheart at college parties as a freshmen, is on a first name basis with all the Fraternity brothers, and wears minimal clothing at all times.

12. The Mama's Boy

This is someone who finally got the courage to make it college and it is their first time away from home. The only problem is that they have been babied their whole life and they can't do anything by themselves. These people usually call you in class because they can't eat alone.

13. The Partier

This is someone who can't stop partying. While your studying for your exam they are out on the town, living the night up. They tend to get the Sunday blues once the weekend is over, but to compromise they start drinking on Tuesday.

14. The One Who Won't Stop Studying

The one who stays in all weekend to studying for a quiz on Wednesday.

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