Coming home from a night's work of trick-or-treating was one of the best parts of Halloween growing up. Organizing your goodies into different categories and making trades to assure your Halloween stash was the best. But, there were always those questionable neighbors that added disappointment to your pillowcase, shopping bag, or plastic pumpkin full of treats. I think many past, present, and future trick-or-treaters can agree on these dissatisfying additions to their cavity-filled bags.
15. Dots, also sold as dental glue.
14. Halloween Pretzels, the trendy after-school snack.
13. Those unknown, individually wrapped hard candy things.
12. Black licorice, barf.
11. Good and Plenty, not good and too plenty.
9. Mary Jane, the peanut butter dental glue.
8. Bazooka Bubble Gum, tastes like rubber after five minutes.
7. Popcorn Balls, for the scary movie before bed.
6. Peanut Butter Kisses, Hershey's unwanted stepchild.
5. Circus Peanuts, bitter, tough, peanut-shaped marshmallows.
4. Mounds, a name no one really understood.
3. Almond Joys, more like Almond Disappointments.
2. Raisins, from the defiant health nut.
1. Toothbrushes, from your dentist that lives in your neighborhood.