With an Oscar nomination under his belt, a Marvel franchise all to himself, and a massive following, there is no doubt that Benedict Cumberbatch has become a proper movie star. His newfound stardom has not stopped the British actor from being his usual, adorable self, however. To see proof of this marvelous adorkability, check out the videos below. They're sure to brighten your day!
1. This adorable Yahoo! interview with Benedict and Keira Knightly.
If they weren't both married with children, I'd probably ship them.
2. This Buzzfeed interview with Ben and Doctor Strange co-star Tilda Swinton.
Ben's Donald Trump impression is the highlight of this interview.
3. Ben gets his hair washed for Star Trek Into Darkness.
I dare you to watch this video and not smile once at Ben's sheer adorableness.
4. Benedict and Jimmy Fallon's Mad-Lib.
Watching Ben and Jimmy struggle their way through this mad-lib without laughing can make anyone's day!
5. "Pengwings."
Really, every Graham Norton interview with Benedict is worth watching, but this one is just such a gem!
6. Then there's this adorableness.
"Pengwings." LOL. He's such a good sport.
7. Simon Pegg's description of Benedict. Okay, so this isn't technically an interview with Benedict, but Simon Pegg's description of him on the set of Star Trek Into Darkness is hilarious. Start watching at about 3:00.
8. Behind the scenes of Benedict's Vanity Fair shoot.
Be still my heart.
9. Simon Pegg pranks the cast of Star Trek Into Darkness with "neutron cream."
While everyone's reaction to this epic prank is hilarious, Ben's takes the cake in my opinion!
10. This Reddit reviewer is a little obsessive.
The best part of this interview is Ben's reaction to this hilarious reddit comment.
11. Ben on Sesame Street.
This is simply too cute for words. Bless his heart.
12. Ben and Sophie at the Oscars last year.
# goals
13. Benedict can't get Jimmy Fallon to say "booty." Part of what makes this interview so precious is the fact that he's kind of terrible at three word stories.
14. Ben and Keira are bad at Math. (And crossword puzzles.)
In addition to being adorable people, they're both just so lovely.
15. Benedict used to fantasize about Harrison Ford.
And lastly, for your viewing pleasure: Ben's fondness of Harrison Ford. (That impression at the end, though. Spot on.)
Thanks for reading! To see more videos and articles about Benedict, be sure to check out my page! Have a lovely day.