15 Must Dos This Holiday Season | The Odyssey Online
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15 Must Dos This Holiday Season

Time to get in the spirit!

15 Must Dos This Holiday Season

Christmas is right around the corner (literally Halloween is next week and then November starts so it's only a month away) Which means it's almost christmastime! Who's excited?! Well if you're like me, then you're already planning a list. But here are 15 must do's before Christmas. And if you live in the RVA area, here are some suggestions on where to go to see lights!

1. Watch Elf

Let's face it, watching "Elf" is a must do for anyone who loves Christmas. It's the best movie ever.

2. Decorate your house using pinterest/ tumblr ideasPinterest and Tumblr are so great for finding simple easy DIY ideas for Christmas that don't cost very much. But be warned, both are highly addictive.

3. Buy a Tacky Christmas Sweater

Let's face it, one cannot do Christmas, without a tacky sweater. It's just not right.

4. Go on a Tacky Light Tour

Tacky light tours are honestly the best, and if you're in the RVA area visiting, Henrico County is the best place to go on Christmas. There are 3 specific houses that are full of tacky lights! It's a lot of fun.

5. Go to Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens for "Gardenfest of Lights"

One thing that is a tradition in my family, is to go see the gardenfest of lights at Lewis Ginter. It's perfect for all ages and admission is pretty cheap. Miles and miles of walking through the magical lightfest. So mark your calendars, from November 23rd to January 7th, you can walk through the enchanting gardens at Lewis Ginter!

6. Listen to Pentatonix's new album "A Pentatonix Christmas"

Pentatonix is one of my favorite bands, but their christmas albums are my absolute favorite. The all a capella group released their newest christmas album October 22nd and oh my goodness chills. I have it on repeat in the car (not even sorry that it's still October and I'm already listening to christmas music). This album gives a twist on old classics like "O Come, All Ye Faithful", "White Christmas", and "God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman". It's a must listen to while hanging up those decorations. They're other two albums ""PTX Christmas" and "That's Christmas To Me" are also incredible, so give it a listen, you won't be sorry!

7. Watch ABC's 25 days of Christmas

It's a tradition in most American families to watch abc family's (now known as freeform) 25 days of Christmas movie marathon through December 25th. While Freeform has not released a calendar of dates yet, get excited because it's definitely coming.

8. Watch Hallmark's Countdown to Christmas

If you're into the more older, more adult christmas movies,Hallmark christmas movies are for you. Most are christmas love stories, and hey who doesn't love a good christmas love story? So cuddle up with your spouse to watch a romantic christmas movie.

9. Having an actual "White Christmas"One year I remember having one, and I want another. In Virginia, a white christmas is rare, but not impossible. My one wish for Christmas is to have another white snowy christmas.

10. Make a gingerbread house

One thing I want to do is decorate a tumblr style gingerbread house, I mean come on they're so cute!

11. Make Gingerbread men/womenThey're actually adorable so like why wouldn't you make them?

12. Become a wrapping pro

I actually suck at wrapping presents and I always end up giving up and just getting a bag, but one thing I'd really like to learn to do is wrap a present like a pro.

13. Go to the James Center for the light showThe James Center is one of my most favorite places to go. Especially at Christmas. The lights and the decor is just incredible! It's a must do if you're in RVA.

14. And forget Krispy Kreme doughnuts afterwards

This photo is a MAJOR throwback but after a long night of tacky light touring (and being forced into more photos than you'd really want) what better thing to eat than hot melt in your mouth doughnuts? Especially with some good friends.

15. Take a basic Christmas tree picture with your best friend

I mean need I say more?

This holiday season is right around the corner. So grab your friends and get in the holiday spirit!

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