Before you leave for college, all of your older friends and your parents are telling you how much the experience will probably change you. You think you’re perfect already, so why would college change you at all?
You know who you are, you know what you want (or at least pretend to know). The college application process itself helped you learn more about yourself than freshmen year ever could.
I’m here to tell you that you’re wrong. You will change in small, subtle ways that only your parents notice at first. Then, old friends notice. Suddenly, you notice.
Little epiphanies that don’t hit you until much later and make you think, "dang. I’m not who I was a year ago."
So, here’s a list of moments when you realize how much you’ve grown:
1. When watching a movie on a Saturday night with your parents sounds fun.
YES! Pajamas and family time.
2. When you start making your bed everyday.
Okay, this one might not happen until you graduate college.
3. When you literally NEED coffee.
Finals week had me like… caffeine. Now. Need. Now.
4. When you read really long books and newspaper articles, for fun.
Don’t talk to me, I’m reading.
5. When you see all of the seniors currently in high school post promposals.
Lol. Throwback to prom season.
6. When you start scheduling naps into your schedule.
No, I’m busy. That’s when my nap time is.
7. When you don’t have to be asked to help with the dishes at home.
Partially because you’re becoming an adult, partially because you don’t have a dishwasher back at school so going home is a luxury.
8. When you are passionate about something nobody else understands.
You’re starting to find unique things that you are passionate about and want to pursue. You’re finding you.
9. When you feel okay sitting down in public spaces alone.
Eating in a huge dining hall alone really isn’t bad at all.
10. When something you learned from a professor applies to real life.
And the realization leaves you mind blown.
11. When you have a falling out with your first friend in college.
It will happen, and it is okay. College is a time to be choosy about who you hang out with. Nobody has time for anything but genuine friends.
12. When you become opinionated about world issues.
Suddenly, you find yourself arguing, eh, debating, until 2am with someone about something you’ve become deeply passionate about. And you’re not afraid to disagree with someone.
13. When you call your parents and tell them everything.
The good, the bad, and the ugly.
14. When you realize there’s only a few friends you want to see this summer.
And you feel entirely okay seeing two friends this summer anyway.
15. When someone who knows you really well says that you’ve changed.
At first you deny it, but then, you’re like, yeah. I have. For the better. #sorrynotsorry